Page 114 of Addicted

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"Are we going dancing tonight?" I licked at my fingers as we sat out on the patio, wrapping up lunch. There was nothing better than a sausage fold-over slathered in mustard.

"I'm down with whatever, but remember tomorrow is that party up at Clint's place." Derek stretched out on a lawn chair beside the table. "There should be a huge crowd, so maybe you'll find one or two untapped women."

I chuckled and lifted my eyebrow at him. "I'm not looking for a virgin. You know that. I like my women capable and aware of what they want."

"I just meant untapped by you." He winked at me before letting his head drop back.

"I've been here three weeks. That means I might have slept with…”

"Twenty to thirty girls." Daniel gave me a look as he adjusted his glasses.

"Twenty to thirty?" Clay laughed and stood up. "He's slowing down, then. I was thinking twenty days times two to three girls a day..."

"Fuck you guys." I picked up my beer and drained it. "You could be cool like me. Just stop being so selective."

"Are you kidding me?" Clay started to pick up plates. "I've not seen you with a woman who wouldn't be perfect for playboy. None of the girls you're picking up are you just settling. You're an ass for insinuating it."

"I'm gonna be labeled an ass for something, might as well be this." I finished my beer and burped as I got up. "I'm taking the boat out. Anyone wanna go?"

"I'm going to sleep. I got a date tonight with that pretty number you scared with your itsy bitsy dick earlier." Derek laughed and pulled his cowboy hat over his face.

"Keep it up, big boy." I walked to the house, leaving my trash on the table. Clay cleaned like a little old lady. He'd get it for me.

"I'll go if you promise not to repay me for earlier." Daniel followed me into the house, carrying his plate and a few beer bottles.

"Why did you mention it again?" Clay asked. "He wouldn't have remembered if you'd have kept your trap shut."

"You think that, and then we get out there and he dumps my ass on Deker's Island with no way back." Daniel opened the fridge and pulled out a six pack, lifting it up to me with a smile. "I come with a peace offering?"

"Yeah, that'll do." I took the beers and looked back at Clay, who was wiping down cabinets. "You coming, bitch?"

"Nope. Go have fun. I'm with Derek. I'm taking a nap." He yawned loudly and moved past us. "We're on our own for dinner. There's nothing left here to cook."

"We'll get groceries tomorrow." I walked back to the front, pausing to slip on my sandals. "I promise not to maroon you on the island, Dan. Come on, buddy. I'll teach you a few things about how to make a girl come."

"Oh, Lord." Clay's comment caused my lip to lift in a smirk. Daniel was our resident virgin, and where I knew he was good with my teasing, I tried not to do it too much. He was good guy—the best.

"Sounds riveting." Daniel adjusted his glasses and walked out of the house in front of me.

Derek was snoring softly as we walked by, and I had to force myself not to stop and pour a beer on his chest or something dickish. We were all teenage boys in our heads, and yet the time for growing up was coming far too fast.

"I wanna drive the boat." Daniel pulled the keys from his pocket and dangled them in front of me as we walked across the street. We paused for a long line of people riding bikes, and I glanced over at him, shrugging.

"Yeah, sure. I don't care. Let's go out to the island for a little while. It's a beautiful day. I want to get some sun." I pulled my t-shirt over my head and jogged down the dock toward the boat. I needed to find the gym on the property and soon. My six pack was getting less and less visible, and the unfortunate fact was that women almost expected one on a guy like me.

"And, we're not going out there so you can leave me, right?" He got into the boat behind me and moved to the driver's seat.

"Dude, I just play an ass on TV." I dropped down on the bench near the back of the boat and stretched out. "You know I'm just teasing you about girls and shit."

"I know. I'll find one this summer and hopefully take her to bed. I just want it to be the right one, you know?" He looked back at me as I pulled my sunglasses onto my face.

"I guess. It's all good, though. We're all different. You respect women, and I've had enough of them not respect me to be over the idea of a fairytale ending." I shrugged and crossed my arms over my chest as he pulled out onto the lake.

"A fairytale ending? Have you really ever considered something like that?" He snorted and hit the gas.

The wind felt good in my hair, and the steady rocking of the boat left me surrounded with a sense of peace that I honestly couldn't find anywhere else in the world.

"I used to think I would find a good girl who would take care of me." I moved closer, yelling above the roar of the wind and waves. "I guess I just gave up."
