Page 117 of Addicted

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"Up the road." I wrapped an arm around her shoulders again and turned in front of the house, walking toward town. "Let's grab an ice cream cone and head back to my place."

"Sounds good to me." Her fingers teased my hip as she slipped them under my shirt and snuggled against my side.

"You sound good to me." I licked at my lips subtly as she glanced up. No reason to put up pretenses. The ice cream was a way of saying thank you for her letting me use her for the afternoon. It wasn't much, but she seemed pleased with it.

"I am good, but if you're thinking you’re getting in my bathing suit bottoms without me knowing anything about you, you're wrong." She gave me a sexy smile. I wasn't sure if she was teasing me or testing me. Either way, I wasn't missing out on hearing her moan.

I glanced up to see a beautiful new BMW sitting in the driveway of the house just in front of us.

"I'm Brody. Twenty-five and own my own investment firm." I pulled her toward the car and pressed her to it with my body flush against hers. "I like expensive cars, large houses, and women who moan loudly."

She laughed and pushed at my chest before glancing back at the car. "Is this yours?"

"Yep." I leaned in and nipped at her lips. "You wanna be?"

"Yours? She whispered and wrapped her arms around my neck.

It would seem that I was wrong. She wasn't at all the player I thought she was. Too bad I was.

Chapter 5


"A party?" Cindy snagged shotgun on the way back to the house, which was almost comical. She rarely sat up front, but seemed to be in a rather playful mood. "We've been here two weeks without an invite and you guys show up and get one your first day? No fair."

"Stop bitching and be grateful. You wanted us to bring the party with us, right? Well, we did." Emily chuckled in the backseat.

"Cora, there's the basketball court. Let's go check it out later tonight after dinner. Yeah?" Dedra reached up and pointed, tapping the window beside me.

"Absolutely." I stopped for a guy jogging in a pair of tiny shorts. "Wow."

"Nothing to ogle over. If a guy can wear shorts like that, then he's not got much to hide, you know?" Dedra dropped back in her seat.

Cindy smirked and turned to look into the backseat. "Not like your chocolate man, right?"

"Homeboy was packing something in his swimsuit. I could see it from the boat. That, ladies, is why I almost wrecked the boat."

I snorted and laughed, pressing my hand over my mouth. "I swear you guys are worse than boys most of the time."

"You love it." Cindy smiled over at me. "You want me to show you how I make this homemade lasagna we're having tonight? I know it's your favorite, and there will come a day when we don't get to do this anymore."

"Do what?" I glanced at her quickly before turning my attention back to the road. I'd never been more nervous driving a two mile stretch of road. There were more people than trees, plants, and animals combined.

"Get together as a friend group." Cindy shrugged, but I could sense a change in her mood.

"Don't start this. We get to do this sappy shit at the end of the summer, not the beginning." Emily spoke up. "Besides, we'll always be friends. Tell me about the party and the guy that gave you the invitation, Cora."

I nodded and reached over, squeezing Cindy's hand as she teared up. "He was totally your type. Lanky, brown hair, rich, baggy clothes."

"Ha ha." Emily reached up and tugged at my hair, causi

ng it to fall from the makeshift bun I had it in. "Was he cute?"

"In a little boy way, yeah." I shrugged and released Cindy to put both hands back on the wheel. I pulled up in the driveway to the house and let out a short sigh. "One of you guys is driving next time. That was stressful."

"We can walk, too, you know." Dedra got out and stretched as I climbed out of the car and took another deep breath.

"I need to find a quiet place to sit and think. I've been waiting for this vacation all year." I closed my door and leaned against the car as my eyes moved across the faces of people walking by.
