Page 159 of Addicted

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"How many trips have you and Dad taken?" I dropped down on the edge of the bed and tried to clear the haze sitting over me. I wasn't going to get out of going back early, but giving up any of my time with my best friends before starting to work for my parents was painful.

"We like what we do, Cora. You know that. We don't really need vacations. Do you want to talk to your dad for a minute?"

"No. I was headed out the door. I'll call you guys later tonight, and we can pick back up on this conversation then. Is that okay?" I ran my fingers through my hair as my stomach soured a little.

"Yeah. We can do that. I love you. Have fun, okay?"

"Okay, Mom. I love you, too." I dropped the call and flopped back on my bed, letting out a long groan.

The door to my bedroom opened, and Emily stuck her head in. "Hey, grumpy butt, we're heading out for a ride on the boat. Get on your suit and come with us."

"Yeah, alright." I sat back up and let out a long sigh. I hated fighting with her. We both were good about letting things go when we could. Now was one of those times.

"What's up?" She came in and closed the door behind her as I stood and walked to my dresser.

"Just my parents and their plans for me." I shrugged and pulled out a pink and black bikini. I didn't expect to see Brody, so there was no need for wearing something too terribly sexy.

"Well, you're not supposed to be thinking about that shit. It's the Fourth of July on Monday and we have plans to party like it's 1999, remember?"

"Yeah, but they're wanting me to come back into town in a couple of weeks, instead of the end of the summer like we talked about." I tossed my swimsuit beside her and pulled off my t-shirt and shorts.

"What? No. That's not how this works." She handed me the suit. "I'm jealous that you're already getting a tan."

"Well, at least it's not my boobs making you jealous anymore." I smirked, thinking back on all the times when we were younger when she would rant over me having boobs and her not.

"I have my own now, thanks." She lifted her eyebrow at me and smirked. "Wait... You're getting off subject."

"I think it's better if we do. I don't want another reason to feel like shit. Just drop it and we'll figure it out later. I'm not sure what I'm going to do." I tugged my shorts over my bathing suit bottoms and worked my hair into a short ponytail. "I should grow my hair back out. This shorter cut makes me look too young."

"You look great. You always do." She got up and stopped behind me in the mirror. "No more being bummed out, okay? Especially not if you think you're leaving us in a few weeks. Brody isn't worth all that. You guys didn't even date."

"Yeah, I know." I shrugged and reached over to grab a tube of Chap Stick from the top of my dresser. "I just wish we would have. The sexual tension between us is so delicious. I haven't felt so aggravated over a boy in a long time."

"Aggravated? And, this is a good thing?" She laughed and walked to the door, opening it and watching me.

"Yeah. You know," I turned to face her, "where you want him so bad it hurts, and yet you know it would be a horrible decision, so you act like a bitch and flirt a little here and there?"

"No. Sorry. This one is new for me, but it makes sense seeing how you've been acting the last week or so." She gave me a look. "Come on. Let's go have some fun and forget all of this shit. I didn't mean to snap at you out there. You mean the world to me."

"I'm sorry, too. Let's get out of here. No more moping. Especially not over the town whore." I left my phone on the bed, not interested in talking with anyone that might call or text for the next few hours. Brody was out of the picture from what I could tell, which was for the better. He'd made it quite obvious that he was interested in the chase, but that was all. Once I started to give in... He pulled back. Hard.

Funny how sweet he was at dinner, talking about the future and seeming genuinely interested in knowing more about me. All part of the game.

"There you guys are. We thought you were going to sleep the day away." Dedra stood up and picked up her towel. "You're starting to worry us."

"What? You guys are being mother hens." I grabbed my sunglasses off the tabl

e and walked outside, breathing in deep and deciding then and there that I was good. No more being upset about Brody. It was childish and stupid. Rejection stung like a bitch, but whatever. Maybe he was doing it because he wanted to save me from the havoc that he thought himself capable of reeking all over me.

"You look good in that suit." Cindy moved up beside me and wrapped an arm around my back. "And you know what?"

"What?" I glanced over at her and smiled.

"We can stop hanging out with the guys so much. There are loads of guys out here to hang out with. We're all being a little clingy with this group. It's getting old." She winked and released me.

"Are thinks not going well with the cowboy?" I chuckled and followed her down the stairs.

"No, they're good, but I'm here to meet lots of different people and have some fun. I'll settle down soon, but I'm not ready to do that over the summer, I don't think." She slowed down as I caught up to her.
