Page 202 of Addicted

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"My husband bought them for me. He's dead now." She glanced back down, closing up the conversation effectively if nothing else.

"Right. Sorry to hear that. We sure do appreciate your help." I moved back and pulled out my ID, praying silently that a sign would show up soon on whether or not I was supposed to be on the flight we would soon be racing toward.

"You're both being upgraded to our first class section, but the seats are not together." She glanced up, keeping her attention on me.

"That sounds great. Thanks so much." I bit my lip and glanced up at the clock. I hated to be late for anything. Whether I wanted to go on the trip or not was irrelevant. I was there, and having to run down the terminal sounded down right horrible.

"Of course. There is a special security section for Elite members. Just use that one since you're running a little late. Have fun." She handed us the tickets and smiled at me.

"We will." I grabbed them and Casey, and took off toward the security checkpoint. "Let's go. You know I hate to be late."

"I know. I'm sorry." Casey almost tripped as we passed a row of extension cords, but I reached back and helped her right herself.

Turning, I didn't realize that someone was in front of me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I reached up to press my hands against the man's chest who stumbled back from the force of me running into him. His papers fluttered from his hands and scattered all over the floor. Heat rose up my chest and coated my cheeks as I knelt down to help him start to gather up the papers. Not looking where I was going, I hit my head against his and fell back on my butt.

He let out a short laugh, stood and offered me a hand. "Wow. I've not had such a dramatic introduction to anyone since I was a boy playing king of the hill."

I took his hand and stood, trying hard not to notice just how insanely beautiful he was. His jet-black hair was cut close to his face, accenting his tanned skin, dark green eyes, and kissable lips. His smile was kind and almost sexy with the way his lip turned up just a little at the edge. If that wasn't more than enough, the subtle dimple in his left cheek caused my heart to flutter.

"I am so sorry." I pulled my hand from his when it was appropriate to do so. "Let me get your papers. Please."

"I'll get it." He held up his hand. "You stay up here. It's dangerous when you're around."

Casey laughed and snorted as she picked up a few pieces of the paper. I stood stone still, letting my eyes move along the broad muscles of his back as they pressed against his light blue button up shirt.

"Thanks for saving me. I guess I didn't see those cords." She glanced back as she appeared to be working to hold back another string of laughter.

"I guess not." I clenched my jaw, but relaxed as Handsome stood back up, his papers a mess and face a little flushed.

"Not every day you have a beautiful woman knock you off your feet and take center stage to the news." He winked and turned back around, moving up to tug his dress shoes off and lay his briefcase on the security scanner.

"I'm so sorry again," I whispered, not quite able to get enough air into my lungs to use my voice.

"It's no big deal at all. Honestly." He glanced back at me as he worked on getting his belt off.

My eyes moved down to watch him only for a moment. Having forgotten that it was highly inappropriate to stare at someone's crotch, I jerked my attention back to his face and found him smirking in a boyish way.

"Please tell me you're headed to China." I pulled off my tennis shoes and let out a short puff of air.

He laughed. "No, why – are you?"

"No, but I'm thinking it might be more safe if I did. I've embarrassed myself ten times already this morning." I moved back to let Casey put her stuff on the moving belt as she leaned around me.

"Her name is Vivian. It's nice to meet you. I'm Casey." My best friend extended her hand to the handsome businessman.

"I'm Easton. Nice to meet you both." His eyes remained on my face, but moved around as if he were searching for something.

"Hurry up, Sir,” the security lady barked toward us.

"Right. Well, have a safe flight. Nice to bump into you." He turned, moving through the scanners as I memorized the curve of his rear in his slacks.

Casey pressed her shoulder against mine and whispered, "Wow. He's fucking hot."

"Right? Too bad he's not going where we are." I moved into place to walk through the scanner as well, my thoughts moving through the embarrassment of the last five minutes. Why did I always end up the ass in most situations? If luck was a real thing, I seriously had no doubt that mine hated me completely.

"Alright. Let's go." Casey moved up beside me, hopping on one foot as she worked to get her shoe on the other one.
