Page 208 of Addicted

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Casey turned on the radio and I couldn't help but sing along with her as we rolled down the windows and let the cool air blow our hair about. I could find relaxation and peace in the middle of the beach scene, if nothing else. Casey was looking for a party, a good time, but I was looking for rest and reprieve. I needed to find a bookstore.

"So I heard this place has six gourmet restaurants." She tapped the steering wheel as we pulled up to the stoplight.

"I know. It's going to be kick-ass." Excitement raced through me and I took a deep breath, trying to reset my emotions. I could have a great time. I would make it happen.

"I say we try them all in the first few days so that we know where to spend the rest of the week eating. You could even write up some of your critiques and try to submit them to the paper when we get back home. Whatcha think?" Her tone was hopeful.

"I like it." I ran my fingers through my hair and smiled as a dark-skinned boy waved at me.

"Heya, beautiful. Want to pull over and come catch some waves with us? It's the perfect day to make a new friend." He called out to me as Casey started to pull away.

"Maybe another time?" I called back and worked to get my hair out of my face.

He pressed both hands to his bare chest over his heart and looked up to the sky as if heartbroken.

I leaned back in my seat and laughed. "Is everyone here dramatic?"

"God, I hope so. New Yorkers can be so focused sometimes that it's hard to crack through their shell of lust toward success." Casey pointed to the large resort ahead of us that was nuzzled on the beach. "That's it."

I leaned forward and let my eyes run across the elaborate structure that seemed to go on for miles. "It's beautiful. I hope it's filled with more than horny freshman and old geezers."

"Oh I bet the mix is far and wide, but we're looking for a specific type of man, or at least I am." She pulled up to the gate and turned her attention to the good-looking guard as he moved from his guard stand.

"Hi ladies. Are you staying the week with us?" He leaned down and pressed his thick forearms to the window frame as his eyes moved across Casey and then over to me.

"Yes, Sir. We'd not stay anywhere else." Casey used her bedroom voice, which didn't seem to faze the big guy too much. I had to stifle a laugh, as I always did around her. She was inappropriate all the time.

"Good. Visitor parking is over there to the left, and the check-in has a big white sign that says registration on it. Make sure you get a schedule of events and try to be at Black's Beach on Thursday." He moved back, and I couldn't help but lean across Casey to catch the guy’s attention.

"Why? Someone else mentioned that to us. What's the big deal?" I couldn't help but appreciate the thickness of his arms and chest. The gym had to be stained in his sweat no doubt.

"It's something that's better experienced than explained. Just go if you can, and welcome." He winked at me and moved back to his guard stand, motioning us through.

"Weird. I want to know what we're getting ourselves into before we just go over there. It might end up being roofie night for the idiot tourists." I sat back in my seat and let out a frustrated sigh as Casey parked the car.

"I doubt that's the case, but we'll figure it out. It's only Sunday. We still have a while." She turned and looked out the back window at the beach as a smile lifted her lips. "This place is hopping with people, Viv. There is no way in hell we're not going to find ourselves right in the middle of the party. Look at this place. Insane."

I got out of the car and turned to let my eyes scan across the half-dressed bodies that moved about in the gold and white sand. The sound of the water rushed up to greet me, and the breeze pulled in the smell of salt water and coconut scented sun-tanning lotion.

I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes. I'd never tell Casey in a million years that I was far more interested in partying all by myself instead of with a crowd. I knew my friend well enough to know that we'd have ten new people around us by nightfall. As long as they appeared legit, and she promised to keep her phone with her, I'd let her go off to "party" and I'd find a comfy spot to read and relax. The promise of such a reprieve left me ready to dump our stuff and commence mingling.

We walked toward the grand entrance and were greeted by two people that could have been swimsuit models. The girl's hair was blonde and her breasts huge. The guy was ripped from his throat to the thick muscles that ran down into his swimsuit.

"Welcome to La Mage. We're glad to have you girls. Check-in is that way, and information on restaurants and bars is at the end of the hall on the wall mount." The girl smiled at us with a warmth I didn't expect.

"Yep, and there are parties non-stop here. Make sure you grab an activities schedule from the front desk, and if you need anything at all, I'm Marco." He took my hand, kissed my fingers and smiled seductively. "Anything at all."

"Thanks," I responded, a little breathless more from the frontal assault of beautiful people and less from the guy’s attention on me. It was all part of the production, anyway.

"Why do you always get the sexy ones?" Casey grumbled at me as we got in line.

"What?" I laughed and turned back in time to see Marco kissing an older woman's hand as she giggled and blushed. "Nothing to worry about. He's already moved on."

Casey glanced back and busted out laughing. "Such a typical male, right?"

"Age before beauty, young lady." I poked at her softly. "Besides, I'm saving myself for a nerdy type this time around. Looks and money have a stigma with them, and it's rang true in my life since I started dating."

"They're all assholes, Viv. Money, looks, nerdy, sensitive...all of them."
