Page 210 of Addicted

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"The turn and burn kind. You're young, obviously smart, good looking... And don't forget, I've seen you in a few meetings that didn't go well. You know how to handle yourself and how to shut someone down pretty quickly." He sucked at his teeth once more and shrugged. "Romantic wouldn't have been on the list."

"I'm not a romantic, or at least I don't think I am." I closed my eyes and ran my hand down my face. "I'm far too focused on my career right now to even think about it, to be perfectly honest. Marriage and family isn't on my radar at all right now."

"I get that. I turn the ladies down all the time because they're far too needy nowadays."

I kept my eyes closed and simply nodded, hoping like hell he would shut up and leave me be. He was full of hot air, and if it were up to me, his days would be significantly limited. He was an ass to the restaurants he serviced, and I'd yet to see a favorable write up from him in the two years I'd been with my employer.

"We're here," the cabbie called out from the front seat. "Credit or cash?"

"You got this, right?" Kevin opened his door and got out without waiting for my reply.

"Yeah. I guess." I pulled out my card and let my eyes scan the beautiful design at the front of the resort. It was one of my favorites and I was glad to be back in Florida, though I was a New Yorker through and through.

Vivian moved past my mind's eyes again, her pretty blue eyes watching me over the top of her drink as she seemingly played with my emotions. She had no clue of her power as a beautiful woman. She'd been through something recently from what I could tell, and now that I'd lost the chance to ask what, I was kicking myself. I shouldn't have wanted to know, but I did.

I paid, got out of the car and took a deep breath. The salty goodness of the ocean filled my senses and I lifted my hands to the heavens and stretched, taking a moment to enjoy the beauty around me.

"Mr. Parks. So nice to have you back with us again, Sir." An older gentleman in a nice suit walked from the hotel and extended his hand. "I'm Jeffry Bryan. One of the managers here at La Mage."

"Jeffry, of course. I remember you." I extended my hand and shook his firmly. "This is my co-worker, Kevin Jarrett. He'll be sampling some of the new dishes you have in your restaurants this year."

"Ah yes..." The manager turned and extended his hand to Kevin. "I believe we've met as well."

"I don't remember you at all, actually." Kevin shook his hand as I cringed. The man had no class at all.

"Well, thanks for hosting us again this year. We're going to get settled in this afternoon, and then I'd like to meet with your hospitality manager around five, if possible." I picked up my bag as someone rushed toward me, taking it and welcoming me warmly.

The two models at the door offered their greeting as well, which was a nice touch from my previous visit. Where I might expect them to be stiff and uppity, they weren't at all. Both the male and female were warm in their greeting and conversational to the guest that moved in alongside me.

"I will arrange that, no worries. We have you in a penthouse suite tonight and other various sizes of rooms throughout the week. I remember that you like to try out everything while you're here." Jeffry motioned for me to move up to the checkout. "One of our staff will get you checked in and settled. Come down a few minutes before five and we'll have a room set up for you to talk with Brian. He's new to us, but I think you'll find him pleasant."

"Excellent." I turned and moved into the VIP line for check-in. The brilliant, silky, red locks of a pretty girl just to my right grabbed my attention and my breath caught in my chest. Viv?

"Why do you get to stay in the penthouse and I have to have a regular room?" Kevin grumbled as he moved up beside me in the non-VIP line. The scowl on his face almost caused my lip to turn up in a smirk, but I forced myself to behave. No need to egg the poor guy on unless he kept pressing his luck. He would find a reason to be pissy no matter what. He didn't need my help with it, but he’d get some if he wasn’t careful.

"I'm here testing out their resort, Kev. I have to experience everything from decor to food to the hotel rooms. My write up covers everything. Yours covers the dining experience. You should feel lucky that they didn't give you a cot in the kitchen." I smirked at him as his face shaded red.

"Whatever. I'm asking for an upgrade. I'm an important client and if they want a good review on their culinary offerings, then they'd better treat me well." He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Your opinion should be unbiased and focused solely on the food." I lifted my eyebrow at him. "That's how you critique, correct? If not, Jon should be made aware of the score card you're using."

"Are you threatening me?" He asked, his voice pinching slightly.

"Absolutely. Your ethics reflect the company I'm investing my future in. Don't fuck around with it." I locked my jaw and turned to pin him with a warning stare.

He lifted his hands as the crimson on his cheeks bled to white. "Alright. Damn. I was just saying."

"Well don't." I turned to the front and moved up as the pretty redhead and her blonde friend moved down toward the elevators. It was Viv and Casey. I pressed my hands to the counter in front of me and let my eyes follow her, memorizing how well her small rear fit into her jeans.

"Mr. Parks. Nice to have you with us. Will you need just one key?"

I bit my bottom lip as I contemplated how fun it would be to have a fling with her. Was she up for it? Here she was at the same hotel as me. Was I up for it?

"No. I'll take two." I turned back to face the woman.

"Sounds good. We'll switch your room each afternoon at three, and I'll be sure to leave a note in your file that you are to receive a text with the new room numbers. The card will work without fail as you shift around. Should you need anything at all, just let us know." The woman smiled and handed me the cards. "Don't forget the penthouse has a code, too. It's four-one-five."

"Excellent." I picked up my bag and walked toward the elevator. Kevin's voice rose up behind me as if he were owed something by the hotel for simply being there. I shook my head, pressed the button and pulled out my phone, putting in a call to my boss.
