Page 272 of Addicted

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She finished up, ordered a handful of items and turned her attention back to me. "That all sound good to you?"

"Delightful. I haven't had anything here that I didn't like." I licked at my lips absently. Her eyes shifted down to watch me, and my body hardened farther than it already was. "How was the interview with Jon?"

"Great. He seemed like a good guy. I can see why you like working for him." She took a tentative sip of her wine. "What happened to the other food critic that worked alongside you? Kevin, I think you said his name was, right?"

"He was fired. Piss poor judgment in lying about testing out a few dishes while we were in Florida. That and a sense of entitlement. Never bodes well for people like us." I slid my hand toward her, leaving it palm up in hopes that she would press hers to the top of mine.

"I'm not worried about acting rich and famous." She slid her hand on top of mine, the softness of her skin leaving my body to ache for more of her.

"What are you worried about, Viv? Be open with me."

"Is this still the interview?" She smiled and glanced around.

"No. The critique is the interview. You've won me over completely. I don't even need this additional part, but Jon does for the company records. The job is yours if you want it."

"I'm worried about falling so far in love with you that I can't find my way out." She smiled playfully.

"I plan on making that happen." I licked at my lips. "Are you excited about the job opportunity? Do you want the position?"

"Do you want me to have it?" She wrapped her fingers around my palm as she searched my face. "I applied for the job to be closer to you, but then I almost felt silly having done it. It seemed like a stalker-like thing to do."

I smiled. "I mentioned you to Jon the minute I got back into town. I was ready to throw my weight around with him if I had to just to get you an interview, but then I felt silly. You're an independent woman and wouldn't want a man messing around with your future." I wrapped my fingers around hers and squeezed softly. "I would have hated for you to see me as a controlling ass."

"Do you want me to work beside you?"

"More than anything else." I paused and tilted my head. "Wait. I want that second to one thing."

"Which is?" Her eyes misted and I got up, pulling her from her seat and brushing my fingers down the silky skin of her cheek as a tear rolled down slowly.

"Which is to have you with me. We can work together, but if it ever interferes with us being a couple, I'll leave or you can. I want us first, and then this partnership with Wilmington and Branch a distant second."

"Good." She turned her face and kissed my palm softly, captivating me with her soft feminine movements. "I was so hurt that you didn't wake me up on Monday morning, but I understand it a little better now."

"I'll not do that again, then. You only have to tell me when I do something wrong, and I'll correct it." I brushed my thumb over her full bottom lip. "Can we talk about you moving in with me soon?"

She laughed and pulled from me as the first dish arrived and was placed on the table. "Not this soon. I'm graduating in a few months, so even if I do take this job with you and Jon, I can't start until late May."

"That's okay. Stay with me at the penthouse apartment on the weekends when I'm home." I moved to the table and motioned for her to do the same. "We can work it all out. Do you want the job?"

"Hell yes." She awarded me a sexy smile. "It gives me the chance to say that I've tasted the finest foods, slept in the most expensive rooms, and made love to the most handsome man in every country."

"You're not sleeping around while we travel." I picked up my fork and gave her a playful warning look.

"No? Shame. I was hoping to have you explore me in every room we stayed in." She shrugged and sighed. "Too bad really. I'm just starting to get curious about the various ways my body might feel pleasure."

"Tease," I grumbled under my breath and picked up my fork. "Describe the salad and record yourself while you do. I'll hush for a few minutes while you work through this dish, then we can talk a little more."

"Alright." She looked down at the dish and back up at me. "Thank you, Easton."

"For what?" I pressed my fork into a thick slice of tomato, but paused.

"For believing enough in me when you barely knew me. For putting up with my drama in Miami and for giving me a chance at a new life. A life with you." She glanced down and started to recite the various ingredients in the salad.

I sat in stony silence, wanting to say a million things, but knowing better. She was recording, and the cheeky thing timed her sweet words perfectly. I had no choice but to remain silent. I'd get her later for it and offer up my own thank you. She'd opened me up in ways I'd almost forgotten existed. We could spend the night wrapped around each other, but in the morning, I was taking her to meet my parents. If she thought Jon was a great guy, she had a huge surprise coming. My mom and dad would blow her off her feet as they welcomed her into our family.

I love you sat on the tip of my tongue, but it wasn't time just yet. I used the rest of my wine to wash it down and savor it deep inside of me instead.

She would hear it soon enough from me, no doubt. Baby steps would take us all the way to the end of our lives, and we would take each one together.
