Page 293 of Addicted

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He glanced up. "Yeah, you did."

Chapter 8


She was beautiful – far more beautiful than I remembered from the night before. I'd dimmed her a little within my daydreams and lusty thoughts. Her long brown hair was up in a high ponytail, leaving her to look sporty and ready to have some fun. I couldn't stop imagining how good it would feel to tug her ponytail down and slide my fingers through her hair. It had to be silky and soft.

"Come here, and I'll show you what I'm looking for." I moved back a little and waited until she squatted next to me. "See here how the tire looks depressed or deflated compared to the back one?"

She tried to move back a little while squatting and almost fell. I reached out for her and grabbed her arm, but fell on my ass right beside her instead of helping.

We laughed and something inside of me opened up a little. I could see myself on the date with the pretty girl. Sex was always at the forefront of my mind, but wanting to take someone out for a meal?

Hell no.

Besides, I didn't have the money or the emotional energy to deal with someone finding out about my situation and leaving me because of it.

I was working my way out of poverty and could hold off on dating until I got out of it. No need to set myself up for a failure that was sure to happen.

"I'm sorry." She got up and offered me a hand.

"No, you're not." I took her hand and was surprised by her strength as she helped me up. "You're strong."

"For a girl?" She put her hands on her narrow hips and gave me the cutest look I thought I'd ever seen.

I laughed and moved back down to pull the nail from her tire. "No, for a man. Better?"

Her turn to laugh. "No, not much."

Her stomach growled loudly and her cheeks colored pink as I looked back up at her. "You hungry? There are some candy bars in the back room. Need me to get you one?"

"No, I try to stay away from sugar. Makes me sluggish, which doesn't work on the courts." She tilted her head as she studied the front tire and then moved back to study the back one.

"You go to UMN?" I got up and walked around to the driver's side. "Do you play sports there?"

"Yeah. Both. I'm on the basketball team." She moved back a little and glanced up at me. "Fix the tire and then let's go grab something to eat."

"I can't." I hated to deny her, but it wasn't going to happen. I needed every minute on the schedule that day to help make rent.

"I thought you said you were a mechanic." She lifted her eyebrow at me, and I could see myself falling in love with a girl like her. She was sassy, and I enjoyed it a bit more than I should have.

"No, silly. I can't grab a bite to eat. I'm working all afternoon." I glanced back at the sound of Jerry's voice.

"Sure, you can. We'll be open late tonight. Just put in an extra hour then. There's no way you're passing up a meal with this pretty girl." Jerry extended his hand toward the girl, and I realized that I still didn't know her name. "I'm Jerry. Nice to meet you."

"Val Scott." She shook his hand.

"Scott. Like David Scott of Scott enterprises?" His eyes widened a little.

I wanted to ask if Val was her full name, but there would be time for that over lunch – apparently.

She blushed and loo

ked toward the ground as she nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Oh, wow. We have royalty in the house today. Your father is a legend in the mining industry, as was your grandfather." Jerry chuckled and patted her arm. "Good to see you here in our little shop. I hope Tate treats you right."

I'd heard of Scott Enterprises; hell, anyone in Minnesota had. They were the wealthiest family with the most land. Greedy as all get out, too. I gave her a once over, realizing how incredibly uncomfortable she was all of a sudden.
