Page 305 of Addicted

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"Phillips." I tossed my towel onto a nearby chair and stepped up beside him as my insides turned to mush. I'd been swimming my whole life in the lakes surrounding our small town, but having these guys watch me intently left me unnerved. No one would be the wiser over my internal struggles, but they were there, nevertheless.

"Alright. Let's see what you’ve got, then. I'll time your full lap. You beat more than half the team's times, and you're on." He patted my back. "Take a few warm up laps and tell me when you're ready."

The grumbling got worse around the room, but Coach Dalmoth glanced around and gave everyone a warning look, which shut them all up. It was almost humorous.

"I don't need a warm up, but thank you." I jumped off the side down into the pool and glanced up. "Let's do this so you guys can get back to your practice."

"You sure?" His incredulous look caused my stomach to relax a little. He was being sincere, which was good. The last coach the swim team had was a total dick and wouldn't even look me in the eye.

"Yep. Ready?" I turned and positioned myself. Either I was going to beat the time, or I wasn't.

"I'll hit the timer when you start."

I didn't wait another second before submerging myself in the warm water and pushing off. Thoughts of Valentine filled my mind. I let my desire to reach out and pull her into my fucked up life push me harder. The want to take her to my bed and touch every part of her raced over my skin as I kicked and worked my arms with efficiency. I needed to call her. I wasn't going to shake her as easily as I had hoped to. It was fucking selfish, which was something that I rarely – if ever – was, but this time I wanted something for myself.


I came up at the end of the pool after swimming the length of it twice and took a deep breath.

The coach was smiling, which seemed to be a good sign. "Incredible, kid. Martin here is our best swimmer, and you just matched his time. Welcome to the team."

I took the coac’s hand and pulled myself out of the pool with his help.

"No way. I say do it again. There's no way this guy just smashed all of our records. Look at him." A tall redhead beside me gave the coach a scathing look.

I turned and shook Martin's hand as he offered it. "Impressive."

The coach took on the horde of angry guys as I walked back to the locker room with Martin beside me.

"Thanks. Just doing what I love to do." I dried my hair and tried to let the warmth of finally proving myself to someone that could help me get on the team wash over me.

"You do it well. There's a party tonight out at Ben Thatcher's place. He's a jerk and a half, but you're on the team, so you're invited. You're not gonna fit in, but you knew that. These guys are assholes, but they chill out some after you step on their dicks a few hundred times."

I laughed and rolled my shoulders. "Thanks for the invite. I'm not sure about my schedule with work and all, but I'll give you my number, and you can text me the information."

"Sounds good. If you come, just hang out with Val. Everyone loves that girl. They aren't going to start anything with you if she's beside you." He gave me a cheeky grin. “Don’t worry about practice today. Coach won’t require you here until you’ve signed all the forms and been officially added to the roster.”

I nodded and gave him my number. “Sounds good.”

A party later that night with Val beside me sounded like heaven. I couldn't stop thinking about her, which was hazardous to my health.

After dressing, I grabbed my stuff and headed for the exit. Several guys stopped me by the front door and crowded around me as if I was easily intimidated. None of them said a word, which was almost too comical to hide.

I moved past them and glanced over my shoulder as I pushed the door open. "Alright, girls. Have a nice day."


"You did what?" Sam paced the floor in my living room later that day, his hands running through his hair over and over. "They're going to find you in a back alley and kick your ass."

"Dude. They're swimmers. They're not going to do anything." I chuckled and took another drink of my beer.

"Maybe, but you didn't have to show off to that extent." He turned and pinned me with a hard stare.

"Yeah, I did. I wouldn't have been put on the team, otherwise. I'm sure Val had to do something to get me that tryout, I just pray it wasn't anything I'd not be happy to find out about." I ran my hand over my chest as an image of her played along my mind's eye. "I hope she's there tonight."

"Me, too. I want to meet this chick that has you getting that far-away look in your eye." He laughed and worked to get his coat on. "Did you text her to see if she was going?"

"No, I'd rather surprise her." I got up, finished the beer, and grabbed my coat. "Take your truck and I'll take my bike. I wanna have it in case she agrees to let me take her somewhere for the night."
