Page 307 of Addicted

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"It's my lucky day." Kade moved in front of me as I started to walk toward Martin.

"Oh, hey." I took a tentative step back and smiled at the handsome football player.

"Hey, yourself. You look damn good tonight." His eyes moved over my face and surprisingly enough, stayed there. "You wanna dance?"

"I do, but let me touch base with some friends first. Find me in a little bit after I've had too many of these to refuse you." I lifted my glass, and he chuckled.

"I'll hold you to it." He moved out of my way, and I continued to forge a path through the large crowd of people milling about in the living room.

"Hey, guys." I stopped beside Katelyn and turned to see where Kade walked off to. He was a cute guy and would fit into my life quite well from what I could tell, but I wasn't crazy about him. I wasn't sure I was crazy about Tate, either, but the warm desire that filled me when I thought about him and his unruly tats and dark eyes left my heart beating a little too fast.

"Hey." Martin pulled me into a quick hug. "Great choice on Tate. He killed it this morning. Tied my fucking score, and I'm the best swimmer on the team. I love it."

"Really?" Excitement pumped through me as I laughed. "That's great news!"

"He didn't text you?" Katelyn's smile faded. "That's not cool."

"No, it's okay. Really. We're just friends and barely that. I didn't get him the try out to get anything in return for it. I was paying him back for being so good to me the other night when I was stranded." I took a long drink of my drink, hoping that my friends wouldn't be able to see just how disappointed I was that Tate hadn't told me the good news himself.

Probably for the better.

"He's supposed to be here tonight. I told him you would be here, too." Martin shrugged and lifted to his toes to look around.

My heart leapt into my chest, and it was hard to breathe all of a sudden. I forced myself to stay focused on them instead of turning and searching the crowd manically like I wanted to.

"Awesome. Well, I'm sure I'll run into him, then. Thanks again for letting him try out." I moved in beside Katelyn and let my eyes scan the crowd slowly until I found Amy and Lucinda. "Alright... I've been relieved of my designated driver duties, so I'm off to find something stronger. I'd like to forget today happened."

"No shit, right?" Katelyn rubbed my back softly. "You deserve a great guy that makes you forget your last name is Scott."

"Another shitty day with your folks?" Martin asked with sincere concern on his face.

"Yep. Every day is a shitty day with my parents." I forced a smile and moved away from them. I couldn't help but notice that Kade was talking with a pretty girl in the corner of the room. Some part of me wanted to be jealous over it, but it was for the better. I didn't want to date someone that left me lukewarm. I wanted my next boyfriend to be the first one that made me soar high just by watching him walk into the room.


A loud group in the corner of the living room was cutting up and having entirely too much fun. Carolyn was in the middle of it, and her laughter sent a nasty shiver down my spine. I hated the fact that wherever I was, that bitch was, too. There was no getting rid of her, and honestly, the one way to really get back at her for being so horrible was to take the presidency away. I didn't want to run the Gammas, but between needing to prove to her that she wasn't queen and wanting to shut my mother up, I was going to have to grab the leadership role in May.

"Should have done it last weekend when she was getting stoned to death in the kitchen," I mumbled and moved up to the edge of the crowd. A cute boy with dark-rimmed glasses and a crooked smile glanced over at me.

"Oh. Hi." His mouth lifted farther.

"Hi there." I turned as I realized that the guy who was currently the center of attention in Carolyn's crowd was Tate. I touched his back, tapping lightly until he turned.

His eyes lit up in a way that stole my breath. He might not have texted, but he was glad to see me.

"Val, what a great surprise." He moved toward me and pulled me into an unexpected hug.

I returned the favor and wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him softly before moving back a little and letting out a laugh. "Congratulations, you ass. You couldn't text me that you go on the team?"

"I told him to." The boy beside me moved closer to us and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm Sam, Tate's best friend."

"Oh." I turned to Sam. "Nice to meet you."

"You, as well." Sam lifted his eyebrow and glanced over to Tate, who stood in silence. "You weren't lying. She is breathtaking."

"Right?" Tate released me and took my hand, instead. "Come on. Let's get you something good to drink. That's glorified Kool-Aid."

"Sam, come meet my friends." I grabbed his hand with my free one as Tate moved us toward the kitchen. I couldn't help but feel a moment of victory as I caught the look on Carolyn's face. I wanted to tell her that I was sure her beloved would show up soon, but I let it go. No need to rub salt in her wounds, though she would do so to me without another thought. I almost enjoyed the fact that I didn't have to react to her or anyone else if I didn't want to. I could just be me.
