Page 364 of Addicted

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We laughed and enjoyed the silly banter that continued between us through the rest of the night. I would go to Aspen and play my father's absurd games until the time came for me to get back on a plane and return to my life. There was nothing I could possibly find in Colorado that would change my mind.

Not even love.

Chapter 2


A subtle movement beside me in the bed caused me to wake and shift over to my side. The pretty brunette from last night was watching me in a way I would quickly categorize as stalker-ish.

Great. Another one.

"Morning, baby," she purred softly and reached out, rubbing her fingers down the side of my face.

"Hi, beautiful." It wasn't a lie. She was breathtaking, but it was muted due to her incessant need to talk about herself. I knew every moment from her childhood, her sex life, her dreams, aspirations, favorite color, hobbies, past name it, I knew it. Getting my ass up and out of her house was the first thing on my list of things to do.

Unless she wanted to fix me breakfast.

"What are we doing today?"

We? Shit.

"I actually have to go to work in about," I lifted my head in search for a clock, "an hour."

"Let's go have breakfast somewhere and then after you get off, we'll go shopping or something." She scooted close to me, pressing her breasts against the side of my chest and ran her nose over my earlobe. "Sound fun?"

"Let's have breakfast here and then I'll call you when I get off. My hours are a bit odd, thanks to my boss being a dick." I failed to mention that my old man was my boss. Never seemed to impress women too much.

In my twenty-seven years of whoring around, I’d learned that there were few things that turned a girl off than a full-grown man still tied up with his family. Seemed odd to me, but that's the conclusion I'd come to. It saved me from a lot of awkward situations thereafter, though.

A woman who got too needy or wouldn't let me be? I could just tell them I lived at home with my Daddy and worked shoveling snow for him for a living. Nothing like real life to turn a girl around and have her gathering her shit from the floor as fast as possible.

It wasn't right, but it was what it was. They took what they wanted and I got a moment of warmth out of the deal.

"Yeah, okay." She slid her hand down my stomach and cupped me in her hand, squeezing softly. "Let's have a little fun before we cook together."

"Oh, baby. You got me all wrong." I rolled away from her and got out of the bed, walking to the bathroom. "I can't cook worth a damn and sex in the morning isn't fun at all. I need a nap after the way I fuck. Not happening today."

I slipped into the bathroom and locked the door behind me before starting the shower. Turning and leaning against the counter, I examined the dark circles under my eyes and let out a long breath.

This life was getting old, yet it was the only one I knew. No woman wanted a man like me. Not for the long-term.

I shoved my depressing thoughts out of my head and got into the shower, enjoying the hot spray far more than I deserved. I'd spend another night with the pretty girl in the other room just for a chance at another shower like this one. If she could cook, I'd definitely be calling her after work. Besides, she was only visiting Aspen and would be gone in a matter of days. Problem solved.

The handle on the door shook and I ignored it. If she came in, she'd want more sex, and while I wasn't one to pass up a good romp in the sheets, I needed to eat and get my ass to work.

My father's business was booming, which was somewhat expected. We'd lived in Aspen my whole life and we knew just about everyone. Shoveling snow was a necessity for anyone who wanted to go somewhere and those with money subcontracted out that type of hard labor. I was grateful for the opportunity, but as the years flew past me, I realized how much more I wanted in my life.

It was getting there that was the problem.

I toweled dried myself and wrapped a big, fluffy, white towel around my waist before walking back out into the bedroom. Tiffany or Terri or whatever her name was walked into the bedroom and pulled me close, sliding her fingers through my wet hair and leaning in to kiss and lick at my mouth.

I took hold of her and gave her a kiss that had her sagging against me, pawing at my towel.

"I want more," she murmured against my lips. "Call in sick. Please?"

"Nope. Not even for something as cute as you." I squeezed her pert ass and moved away from her, working to get my t-shirt on before finding my jeans. "We having cereal?"
