Page 52 of Vampire Kiss

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Only, he wasn’t there.

Also, I couldn’t move my arms.

“What the fuck?”

“Ah, you’re awake,” a familiar voice said.


I looked over and saw him, and that’s when everything came rushing back in one fast, horrible memory.

“You tied me to a bed,” I said, struggling. “Why did you tie me to a bed?”

“Because I’m going to auction you off to the highest bidder,” he said.

“You can’t do that.”

“Oh, you’re so wrong. I can do whatever I want.”

“Why would somebody want me?”

“You’re a vampire now, Kimberly. Not only are you a vampire, but you were one the most trusted and believed-in hunter,” he sneered as he spoke.

Had he disliked my job?

He’d never told me.

Then again, Hank had never told me much of anything. When we’d been a couple, I’d been busy, and he’d been distracted. We had both been wrapped up in our own little worlds, but suddenly, it was easy to see just how different he was from Liam.

Liam might have been the vampire, but Hank was the real beast. He was the monster who had stolen me away. He’d captured me in my own home, hunting me like a deer. He’d taken me and he was going to sell me.


“Just tell me what they’re going to do to me,” I whispered.

“They’re going to kill you,” he said simply. “The winner gets to stake you or cut out your heart: whichever they prefer.”

Staking would be more preferable, I imagined.

“My heart?”

“You’d be surprised at how potent a vampire’s heart truly is,” he said. “Everyone thinks that the heart of a vampire is dead, but the truth is that it’s delicious.”

A delicious vampire heart.


Okay, so apparently there were a lot of things I’d missed in vampire training. Liam had given me the condensed version of the weird vampire drug obsession thing, but this was a lot to deal with.

And I wanted him.

I wanted Liam.

I wanted to believe that he was going to rush in and save me. I wanted him to figure out where I was, and to come and kill Hank because Hank sucked.

“You suck, Hank,” I said out loud.

“I feel the exact same way.”

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