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When Quinn asked her why, she told him to fuck off, but her eyes caught mine, and I realized why.

It’s because she knows I’m Orchidian.

She knows I stuff my feet into shoes all day not because I have to, but to hide my identity, and she knows the pleasure that comes from an Orchidian being able to glide across the floor. We weren’t meant to wear shoes. When we’re barefoot, we don’t even lift our feet because we’re able to glide so effortlessly. It wasn’t until I moved to Sapphira that I began covering my feet, began hiding this part of myself.

Hayden lets me off the hook, though. She makes it easy for me to feel comfortable in her home because that’s the type of person she is. She’s kind. She’s gentle. She looks after the people around her.

And now, tonight, I get to take care of her.

When I get to her bedroom, I place her gently on her bed. She’s got a top-of-the-line hoverbed that naturally adjusts to the appropriate temperature. If your body is warm, it will cool down. If you’re cold, the bed warms. The bed was a gift for her last birthday, and she thanks me almost every time she sees me.

Spoiling Hayden, when she’ll let me, is one of my favorite things to do.

As soon as she’s curled up on her bed, I leave the room and go sit on one of the couches. I’m guessing I have about half an hour before she wakes up from her little nap. It’ll be supper time by the time she gets up, so I yank off my shoes and run my feet over the cold tiles of her floor. Then I pick up my communications unit and order two meals to be delivered at seven.

Once I’m satisfied that everything is taken care of, I close my eyes, too.

Just for a little while…

Chapter 5


The gentle chimes of my security system let me know someone has arrived at my house, and I hurry to the front door, passing Gaz’s passed-out body on the way. He’s sleeping on my couch, and I realize he must have brought me home from the bar. How much did I drink? Holy dragons. Poor Gaz must think I’m completely bonkers for falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon.

My only excuse is that it was a long day.

“Order for Gazley Oleandair,” the robot says. I reach for the two boxes it’s holding and take them from the robot. So Gaz ordered food, did he? It smells delicious.

“Thank you,” I tell the robot. Even though it’s essentially a fancy computer, I can’t bring myself to be rude to the poor thing. It leaves, and I head back inside with the food. Gaz is sitting on my couch, and he offers me a lopsided, boyish grin.

“Have a nice nap?” He asks.

“I did. Thanks for dinner.”

“Anything for you,” he says. We sit side-by-side in comfortable silence as we eat. When we finish, I set the boxes on the kitchen counter and come back to sit with him a little more. I curl up beside Gaz and, because I’m tired and full and satisfied, I dare to lean my head on his shoulder. He slips his arm around me and tugs me a little closer.

It’s the most we’ve ever touched. It’s the most I’ve ever let a man touch me. I’ve never felt okay about letting a guy get this close to me before, but I feel so safe right now, so taken care of.

I feel protected.

“Gaz?” I whisper. I’m not sure why I’m whispering except that the moment seems precious. It feels delicate somehow, like speaking at full volume will somehow break this spell I’m finding myself under.

“What is it, Hayden?” He strokes my hair, and I take a deep breath.

“I had a really good time with you this afternoon,” I say. The words sound lame, even to me, but he doesn’t laugh at me. He just keeps touching me.

“It was a nice way to relax,” he says. “Hanging out, dancing, napping. I always have fun with you, Hayden.”

“You’re my best friend, Gaz,” I say the words, and suddenly, my stomach feels like it’s filled with a million tiny dragon shifters all fighting for dominance. I’ve never told Gaz I love him. I’ve never told him he’s the most important person in the universe to me. I’ve never told him any of this. We hug and we touch, but never like this.

And I don’t want it to stop.

Gaz doesn’t say anything for a minute. Instead, he lifts me up and pulls me onto his lap. Then he keeps hugging me and stroking my hair. There’s no way I should be comfortable with this. There’s no way I should be okay with what is happening right now, but somehow, everything feels so right.

“When I came to Sapphira, I felt very lonely. Moving to a new place is always difficult, isn’t it?”

“So I’ve heard. I’ve never lived anywhere but Diamond, so I guess I’m not the best person to ask about that.”
