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“Yes, sir. Do you need me to bring you anything for your meeting?” Marc knew the secretary was looking for a reason to walk through the door and see what was going on. Her eyes settled on Sadie’s wedding rings and her eyes rounded in surprise but never said a word. He cleared his throat to get her attention.

“I’ll let you know, but we can make our own coffee if we need it. This is going to be a day-long meeting once Dr. Lackney arrives. I’ll let you know if we need you to order lunch. Thanks, Julie.” Without looking back, Marc used the keypad to unlocked his office door. He led Dave and his wife in before closing the door again, hitting the lock.

“She’s efficient as any secretary I’ve ever had, but I’m sure she’s playing all sorts of scenarios through her head right now. She noticed our rings on your finger, Sadie.” His grin made them all look down at Sadie’s hand before laughing.

“I’m sure she is wondering what’s going on.” Dave moved to stand behind his wife. “Maybe we should make some noise and help fuel her imagination.”

Marc felt his cock jerk in response. Just like that, the thought of getting Sadie naked and making her scream had him ready to unzip his pants. Then Dave reached one hand between her thighs and one to cup her breast.

“Fuck, Dave. We don’t have time. Dr. Lackney should be here any minute. Now I’m hard as stone.”

Dave looked up and grinned. “Me too.”

Sadie laughed, her joy washing over Marc in a way that had him thankful for Dave coming into their lives. He found it astonishing that as much as he loved Sadie, knowing Dave was there, loving her just as much made their lives complete. They were all supposed to be together. Of that, he had no longer had doubts. He reached down and adjust his hard cock to Dave’s huge grin, but he noticed the man did the same.

“We’ll need to write out our memories for Dr. Lackney. She’s going to use a program we’ve worked on here at the lab to look for correlations and differences in our memories. We need to write dates if we remember them.” He reached out to trace his fingers over Sadie’s cheek. “Unfortunately, yours will be the longest one.”

A knock at the door had all three turning. Dave opened the door since he was the closest in proximity. Telly Anne walked in carrying her briefcase and a large bag strapped to a rolling cart. She smiled when she saw everyone in the room.

“Well, I have to say I appreciate that are you all here.” Dave smiled at the secretary where she stood near the doorway. Marc hid a grin before Dave gently closed the door behind the scientist. He flipped the lock quietly so his secretary wouldn’t become alarmed.

“I have everything here we need to input the information and hopefully learn something.” Tel turned to Sadie and smiled. “Lucky girl.”

Marc laughed when Sadie turned pink.


The large conference room was empty as Tel set up her computer. Marc locked the door and pushed a small button near the light switch. The room had faint buzzing sound that was hardly noticeable. Sadie looked to Marc with her eyebrows raised.

“It’s white noise. Nothing can be heard outside this room. Even if someone planted a listening device it won’t record. Also, it jams signals of video recorders and cell phones. Tel’s computer is fine in here, but only for collecting manual input. I don’t want any of this getting out there yet.” Marc moved around the table and took Sadie’s hands in his. Dave leaned against the wall, a grin on his face.

Tel grabbed three small laptop computers and hooked each to the larger laptop she had. “Now each of you can begin writing what you remember. Start with the most recent events and work your way back. We’ll do it this way because sometimes as you write the events you recollect more details. If you have any changes to make, you can do so without worry. This program will adjust so just go back to the area where you have additional information to add. This is a real time program, so you can make changes to your account throughout and it will be fine. The more details you recall the better for extrapolating the data.”

Each person began to type their recollections for the last decade from most recent memories to those in the past. Tel began to review the information as the program started to correlate the incidents. As one by one they all typed their memories, Tel would nod or make a noise. A few times the scientist raised her eyebrows but remained quiet and professional.

Lunch arrived and the trio continued to type in their accounts, adding information as they recalled it. As things wound down, Tel kept her eyes glued to the screen on her laptop. “This time rip in the continuum is more fascinating than I had anticipated. My father had been studying them for years, even before we had the technology to track them in detail. He spent his time getting written accounts from those who came to him with weird or strange stories. Some were bogus to be sure, but this.” She paused and looked to the people in the room.

“Nothing like this has occurred to my knowledge and while it makes me feel happy for the three of you, it’s disturbing that it happened to begin with. What was the cause? Can it happen again? Everything that I see on this readout makes sense but also has me put my scientific mind aside and the whimsical human side to speculate.”

Marc walked to stand behind the older scientist and began to read the chart. He looked up as Dave grabbed Sadie’s hand and pulled it to his mouth. Tel’s eyes widened at the show of affection then turned her eyes to Marc. “I must say, just being in the room with you three, I sense no jealousy over your shared wife. That is another aspect of this that

confuses me. The scientist is studying it, the woman in me is astounded by it. It leads me to a conclusion that, frankly, science would scoff at.”

“And what would that be?” Dave turned his full attention to the older woman.

“Honestly? I think that each of you were meant to be together. Sadie obviously loves you both but according to her account, the computer has extrapolated that she felt,” Tel paused, took a breath and continued, “she felt incomplete somehow. I can only imagine that the Sadie on the other side of the time rip felt the same. The only way for her to be completely happy would for her to be with both of you. Therefore, perhaps time stepped in and corrected the situation.”

“That’s a big leap to make. That’s based on emotion and not science, Dr. Lackney. Science isn’t emotion but fact.” Marc was in full science mode.

“Normally I’d agree with you, Dr. Kensington, but it is your program. The computer program considers the emotional reactions of humans. For example, here where you mention your memory of Captain Amsted approaching you and Sadie in the restaurant, it has listed the emotions of jealousy, anger, trepidation. While on Captain Amsted’s memory of the event it lists elation, relief, love and jealousy when he realizes she’s with another man. Both accounts also show possessiveness. Now if you go down and read the accounts here, where you are recalling your conversation in the suite, you’ll see the change of emotions for the both of you.”

Dave stood up and walked to stand behind Tel and began to read. “For your hypothesis to be correct, Tel, everything would’ve had to be perfectly aligned on both sides of the time rip.”

Sadie stood up and smiled. “Well isn’t that how it worked out? Dave, you’ve never married on this timeline. You and the other Dave were both helicopter piolets and were on the same assignment. Marc and I had the same dream about you, even though on this timeline we’d never met you for more than a moment at the art show a decade ago. None of us remembered that until I saw the painting Sarah created. We had friends in common, but you and Marc never met even though you have close ties to Gary and Meghan. And obviously to me. You both ended up working on the same project and have access to information, but you’ve never run across each other in the years you’ve studied it. It has all aligned perfectly.”

Tel stood and shut the laptop and smiled. “Maybe it takes more than fact to have it all make sense. Facts, mathematical calculations, theories, they are only part of it. Emotions therefore complete the equation.” She held up one hand in the shape of a C.

“You can’t have day without night. They seem opposite, but they really complete each other.” She held up the other hand in the same shape and put them together to form a circle. “Perhaps time or the universe or god aren’t exclusive, but part of the same Entity.”
