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“He’s very good at what he does. He may be a better actor than I ever was. No one suspects he’s Kommando Spezialkräfte.”

“What the hell is the KSK?” Marc turned to Dave for answers.

“It’s German Special Forces.” Dave looked stunned.

“Operational Forces, Fifth Platoon.” Jonas’s voice was quiet, not boastful.

“Fuck, you’re a sniper.” Dave sat back in his seat again, completely in shock, as was almost everyone at the table. “You’re telling us this because you want us to know that you have secrets as well. No matter what we say here, it will stay here.”

“Right. What concerns Stieg, I feel I need to know. No matter that we have different parents, he is my brother. The bruder meines herzens, brother of my heart.” He looked over to Tel to gauge her reaction. “I’ve come to love you like my mother, Tel. I hope you knowing this about me doesn’t bother you or change your opinion of me.”

“I’m glad you didn’t say, grandmother.” She sat for a long time digesting the information. “I don’t see you as any different. You’re a good actor though. What else is an act? Does that mean you’re not actually gay?”

“I’m not that good an actor. That’s Stieg’s job.” He smiled. “I’m definitely gay.”

“Pity for women everywhere.” Tel turned to Marc. “It’s time we give this young man some answers.”


Stieg sat at the table staring at the drawing that Marc had made on the paper napkin. Everything made sense about the two timelines and the rip between them creating the crossover memories, but it was still a huge shock. He glanced to Jonas to see his reaction, but his expression was totally blank. Jonas only looked like that when he was deep in thought.

“I can only say that I’m so happy that the other Lisbeth went home from Germany and took the job with KenSpec Labs. I’d never have met her otherwise.” He reached out and pulled her closer to him, kissing her gently. “My forever love.” He smiled as he pulled away from her and turned his attention to the people at the table. Jonas rolled his eyes and pretended to throw up.

“I hope I never feel mushy and act like you are. Jesus, Stieg.” Reaching over, Jonas placed his hand on Stieg’s shoulder and squeezed. “Seriously. Of all the people I’ve known, you deserve this happiness.” He pulled Stieg to stand and hauled him in for a back-slapping hug then a big lip-smacking kiss. Jonas backed away and cupped both sides of his friend’s face and stared him in the eyes. “Now. Let’s stop this romance shit and fucking dance.”

Someone turned up the music a little more, and Bruno Mars pounded out of the speakers. Everyone stood and started moving to the fast thumping song. Stieg grinned at his friend before pushing him gently away to turn and take Lisbeth’s hand. He pulled her against him and moved away from the table and began to dance. And he loved to dance. He placed his hands on Lisbeth’s hips and traced her curves up to her breasts before backing away and taking her hands in his. He twirled her before bringing her back into his embrace. He smiled as he lowered his lips to hers in a sweet and gentle kiss.

“I can only feel that we are together because we are soulmates. I know people use that term rather loosely, but when I saw you standing with that microphone in your hand, something moved inside me. I know it sounds crazy, but I heard a click, like everything I’d ever needed or wanted, fell into place. Lisbeth, even with the oddness of this situation, I know I’ll never be happy without you.” He stopped dancing and dropped to one knee. “I can’t give you up again. Marry me.” Shock crossed her features before it morphed into pure happiness.

“Oh, Stieg! Yes, yes I’ll marry you!” Stieg stood quickly, grabbed her around the waist and twirled in the air. He felt like he stepped into his own romance movie. He put her on the ground and pulled her tight against him, one hand cupped the back of her head, the other on her ass as he pulled her against him. He kissed her breathless until someone cleared their throat breaking them apart.

“I can guess we’re planning a wedding soon.” Jonas was grinning as Stieg looked up from Lisbeth.

“Yes. I want to get married now. Right now. This is Vegas, there are wedding chapels everywhere. I don’t have a ring, but we can get one.” Stieg laughed as he looked at Lisbeth’s shocked face. “What do you say? We have everyone here. Am I rushing you? Do you want to wait? I can wait until you’re ready.”

“No! I don’t want to wait, I just don’t have anything to wear and like you said we don’t have rings.” Jonas was reaching for the phone on the table.

“We’re staying in one of the best hotels on the strip. We have butler service, and I’m sure they can find someone to help you out with everything you need to be done. Let’s do this thing.”


Within thirty minutes, Tomas, the butler on duty, had come to the room with a bag from a designer clothing store and an older gentleman with round glasses carrying a wide suitcase. They were escorted by an armed security guard who stayed by the door. The older man put the case on one of the tables and opened it to reveal several velvet-covered drawers lined with rings. Lisbeth almost swallowed her tongue at all the shiny jewels and metals. “Holy cow.” Stieg came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Let me pick one for you.” He kissed her neck and pushed his erection against her ass, causing her to smile. “I told them to bring all the rings that were your size so that it will fit. It’s not unusual for Germans to wear wedding rings on the right hand, but I think I’ll stick to the American tradition of the left hand. And,” he turned her to face him, “I want you to pick out a ring for me as well. A tattoo isn’t enough to let the world know I belong to you.” She smiled as he placed kisses on her neck. “I love you, and I want the world to know I’m your husband.”


, your tattoo is in a place that most people won’t see.” He grinned, his dimples showing. “Unless you are in another nude scene.” She grinned back as he pulled away from her to look at the rings. Within seconds, he reached for a set. The engagement ring was a cushion cut diamond surrounded by cinnamon-colored stones set in platinum, paired with a plain platinum wedding ring. It was simple, elegant and perfect.

“This one. The colors remind me of cinnamon rolls and the day we met in Leipzig.” The older gentleman smiled. Lisbeth wasn’t sure if it was due to the cost of the wedding set or his sense of romance.

“Beautiful choice, sir. I’ve done this for decades, I can tell when couples are meant for one another. When you picked that ring based on something so sentimental and meaningful to you both, it shows the depth of your feelings for her.” Well, that was her answer.

The older gentleman pulled out a drawer with men’s rings and looked at her. “If I may?” Lisbeth nodded when he turned his attention to the rings. He pulled out a ring and smiled as he held it out for her approval. Her hand shook slightly as she took the wide platinum band with a thin row of the same square-cut cinnamon-colored stones. “It’s not an exact match but unique nonetheless.”


Tons of videos and pictures were taken on cell phones of the ceremony held in the back of the Villa. The minister made an exception to have it there rather than the chapel because of the gun threat called in earlier that day. The small group ordered a bottle of champagne and toasted the happy couple. The sun was setting before Stieg and Lisbeth were left alone. This was the most amazing day of his life. He knew his family would want a traditional church wedding when they came to Germany. Most Germans had two weddings, one civil, the other in a church.
