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“Ist das ein Ehering? Echt?” Lisbeth didn’t understand why Stieg was acting so strangely, but Stieg had heard the woman. He turned around and looked at the female star, Alison Vogel with a grin.

“Doch, ist es.” He turned to Lisbeth and smiled. “Alison wanted to know if this was a wedding ring and I let her know it is. I’m sure she is wondering why we’re married since it’s not normal in German culture to marry so soon after meeting. We usually date years before marriage.” He held up his own for them to see. “I’ve also chosen to wear our rings on our left hands. Also going against normal German traditions.”

Alison nearly tripped in shock as Stieg turned to walk backward and face them. “This is Lisbeth Mohr, I mean Warner, my wife. And the love of my life.” No one could deny the look of complete happiness on his face. The movie stars stood with looks of surprise on their faces. They stopped as they came to the door to the meet and greet.

“I know it seems fast to you, but I’ve known Lisbeth for a long time. We met and fell in love in 2014, but recent circumstances forced us to fall out of touch. She came here to reconnect, that’s why she seemed so nervous yesterday and why I reacted the way I did when I saw her. I knew I’d never let her go again. We got married yesterday, and I’ve never been so happy.” They had worked with Jonas and Dave to come up with a story that fit well enough to remember. It really wasn’t too far from the truth anyway, and the people around them seemed to believe it. They’d give that same story to anyone who asked and the press too if needed.

“Congratulations to you both. I’m shocked but very happy for you, Stieg. Now I know why you never so much as looked at other women since I’ve worked with you.” Hans Fischer reached out his hand to take Stieg’s. “One day, I hope to find someone to look at the way you look at her. I wish you both happiness and future blessings.” Stieg pulled the man in for a hug then did the same to Alison before the door opened to the convention hall. Jonas met them at the back of the stage area and winked.

“All clear, my old friend. All the ticket holders are checked in and waiting, and no one remotely resembling her is among them. I had them check them in slowly, so we could check for disguises. I have back up security at the doors. They have her picture on their phones. I also informed the hotel staff of her. She has access to her father’s money and connections, so I’m being extra tight with security.” He tapped his ear and responded to the person only he could hear.

Stieg grinned as Jonas flourished in his element. Clandestine shit was his thing. That and shooting people. “I think you might be paranoid, Jonas.” Jonas’s attention switched to Stieg, his expression blank but then he flipped him both middle fingers.

“You stick to pretending to be a badass, and I’ll be over there being an actual badass.” Stieg laughed as Jonas strolled off toward the stage and then turned his attention to his wife.

“Do you want to go with your friends until we start walking around the floor mixing with fans? We’ll be on stage signing autographs and getting selfies for about an hour, then we’ll be down here with the crowd. But if you want to sit with me, I’ll have them put another chair on the stage.” He ran his hands up and down her arms as he smiled down at her. He couldn’t touch her enough. He was ready to go back to the room and take her to bed. Again. He leaned in and brought his lips to her ear.

“I’m counting the minutes until I can take you back to the room. I have plans for us on the couch.” He felt her shiver against him, her skin covered in goosebumps.

“And what would those plans be?” She moved in closer and licked her lips as she looked up at him through her lashes.

“I’m going to strip us both, spread you wide and lick your pussy until you scream. Then I’m going to watch my cock slide into you, pull it all the way out and watch it go in again. And again.” His own body reacted to telling her his fantasy. She closed her eyes as another shiver ran through her. She brushed herself against his stirring erection.

“I look forward to it.” She walked her fingers up his chest until she got to his shoulder where she drew lazy circles. “I’ll be thinking about it the whole time, so I’ll be super wet when we get to the Villa. But, right now I’ll visit with Dave, Marc, and Sadie. Let your female fans fall all over you like Rachel. They’ll feel much more comfortable doing that without me there.” She winked as she turned and waved over her shoulder. He smiled as she sashayed across the stage and out of sight. He grinned as he ran his fingers over his wedding ring.

The emcee went to the microphone and started to introduce Alison, then Hans and then Stieg. The crowd screamed at each name. When he was walking to his spot behind the table, he saw Jonas smirk at him and shake his head. Stieg winked then slapped him on the shoulder before he took his seat and waited to greet the fans.


A Military base, somewhere in Iowa

Chase stood at the door to Captain Amsted’s office. They had just gotten back from their time off on that goddamned mission, and he was already gone? Damn, this wouldn’t do. Too much was going on and he needed to talk to Dave. He paced furiously back and forth before slamming his fist into the door. He heard doors opening down the hallway and knew he had to get the hell out of there. Moving quickly, he ducked into the first open door he found and slid against the wall. He tried to control his breathing but could only hold his breath trying to hear the people moving in the hall.

“Did anyone else hear that?” It was a female voice asking the question. Various voices answered the woman, but no one seemed to be coming down the hall to investigate. Chase held in a growl of impatience. Stupid, stupid women. They were good for nothing but causing heartache. He bit his lips and banged his head against the wall. He’d never thought that way in his life until the mission. That fucking time rip had caused things to happen that he couldn’t explain — things that were getting weirder and weirder as the days passed. He looked up and saw the man who looked like him standing in the room, arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

“Oh, come on Chase. Get ahold of us. You’re so much better off with me here to guide you.”

Chase closed his eyes tight. “You’re not real. You’re not real.” He opened his eyes to see himself still standing there. He prayed he’d only hear his panting and not the voice of the illusion that had been haunting him.

“Just because no one else sees me doesn’t mean I’m not real. Look all I know is I was sitting all by my lonesome in jail when all of a sudden, I start dreaming of you. Well, I thought I was dreaming about me, but I knew it wasn’t me. I’ve never been the boy scout type you seem to be.” The imaginary Chase who called himself Frank walked toward the desk in the room. He grinned at Chase before he walked through it before stopping in the middle of the furniture. He continued to stand there, smirking knowing it caused Chase to struggle further with his new duel nature.

“I realized that you are me somehow, and I can escape my boring cell by living through you. But you are no fucking fun. I mean you are as straight-laced as they come. All military and shit. Where did you go wrong? You even go by our middle name instead of our first name Franklin. Frank is more manly you know.” The look-a-like sighed, clearly bored.

Chase closed his eyes briefly. “I am done dealing with you. I’m going to Colonel Barker. I don’t know what happened over that time rip, but I’m not fighting against you anymore. I’ve lived nearly two weeks of hell. I don’t feel like you do, I don’t want to do the things you want to do.”

Frank laughed. He doubled over and put his hands on his knees and laughed. “Are you fucking serious? Look, I live in a cell, and it’s not fun. Do you think your superior is going to just let you walk away after telling him about me? They’re going to lock you up. Lock us up! At the very least they’ll medicate you and make you talk to a shrink. I won’t stand for that. You’re my only chance at escape from staring at four fucking walls all day.” Frank straightened and moved closer to Chase. In an instant, his demeanor changed.

“I’m not going to live in a cell here too, Chase. Or at least if I have to, I’m going to have fun first.” Frank suddenly disappeared, leaving Chase alone, but terrified.

Taking a deep breath, Chase walked out of the office and to the quarters where Paul and Rita were staying. With the Captain gone, there would be no missions to go on. Flying over anything without a pilot would be hard. He knocked on the door to the bunk room causing both occupants to look up over their phones. The room held four cots, each separated by a short wall to give some privacy to the occupants. Beside each cot was a metal locker that held their civilian clothing and their flying gear. The other side of the bed had a small table to hold private reading material, cell phones or whatever the person brought to make the small space more personal.

Chairs were also in each cot area, but usually, the crew would pull the chairs out of the small private area and move them to the center of the room. Across the bunk room were two round tables with chairs and entrances to the bathrooms. Right now, Paul and Rita were sitting as far apart in the room as two people could be. They were great workmates, but they seemed to hate each other and would hardly speak when they weren’t in the chopper.

“Hey, Chase. Come on in, man. I could use the extra testosterone in the room.” Paul grinned as he stood.

“Yeah, Paul needs all the testosterone he can use.” Rita smiled wickedly at her joke before Paul threw his pillow at her. She reached out and caught the pillow with one hand. “If you’d have knocked my phone out of my hand, I’d have kicked your ass, Pa

ul.” She tossed the pillow onto the nearest bed.
