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“I hope I did. But if not, we’ll just have to practice more.” He winked as Aaron grabbed him by the neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

Chapter Five

The trio had two days of bliss before Aaron and Peri had to return to work. Jonas had learned how to use his interplanetary communication device. He had to contact Stieg and tell him he wasn’t coming back to Earth. He’d miss his best friend and flirting with Lisbeth, but his life was here. He’d have to find a way to keep himself occupied, even though he had no idea what work opportunities were on the planet for an Earther. He didn’t even know how their monetary system worked. Once his mates were home, he’d discuss it with them. He grinned when he thought of Aaron and Peri as his mates. He’d known since he’d seen the Being male they belonged together, but finding out a female Being was also his, well, it was a shock.

Jonas was still smiling at the wonder that his life had taken when Stieg answered the call. “Well, I think I can tell by that smile that you found Aaron.” In the background, he heard Lisbeth voice saying something before she popped into the picture.

“Jonas! Did you find him? How was the reunion?” Her smirk made Jonas laugh.

“Well, it was a happy moment until his wife walked in.” Lisbeth slapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide.

“Oh, Jonas.” She looked so sad he thought she might cry. “I’m so sorry. For you and her. Why are you grinning? That had to be a difficult situation for you all.”

“Oh, it was,” Jonas remembered the pain he saw in his sweet Peri’s eyes. “But we worked it out. It seems Aaron was assigned Peri as a partner to try and conceive. They did, but unfortunately, she lost the baby.” He heard Stieg and Lisbeth make sounds of sympathy.

“We realized that Being males can get women pregnant and Being females can get pregnant, but it seems that only happens with mixed couples. No Being male and female have successfully produced healthy offspring. Peri asked me to stay and get her pregnant.” If he thought his human friends couldn’t look more shocked, he was wrong. If they got paler, they’d become invisible.

“I think you both need to breathe.” He laughed as Stieg and Lisbeth turned to look at each other before looking back toward the cell phone Jonas had called. “If a couple can’t produce a child within a specified time frame, they reassign them to new partners. Peri and Aaron have fallen in love, and I couldn’t watch either of them suffer. Besides, she has perfect tits.” He winked, and both humans started laughing to the point he started laughing at them. Soon, they were all wiping tears and grinning.

“I hope this means you’re happy, Jonas.” He could tell Lisbeth sincerely meant that. “I guess with the news if she is pregnant and since Aaron lives there, you aren’t bringing him back to Earth. You’re staying there?”

Jonas nodded, suddenly feeling homesick and wanting to hug his friends. Tears came to his eyes, surprising him. “Yes, baby girl. I’m staying here. I love Aaron, and I’m starting to fall for Peri too. If she has my child, I want to be here for him or her, and I want to help raise that child with my mates.”

He thought he’d feel strange admitting his feelings out loud, to say he loved a woman. It felt right. As a matter of fact, nothing had ever felt more right. “I know it seems strange, but I do love her some already. The first time we all made love I thought I had to get a little buzzed, but now, I want to touch and make love to her.”

Stieg smiled at his friend. “Maybe you were only meant to love her and no other. If you had been hetero or bi or in a traditional romantic relationship on Earth, you wouldn’t have fallen for Aaron. Then you wouldn’t have gone there to

find him and then her. Maybe your being there will be another step in helping The Beings have children. Especially if Peri is pregnant. When will you find out if she is?”

“God, I didn’t even think to ask! I hope soon. If not, we’ll just have to keep trying. I want her to be pregnant not only because I’d love to have a child, but if she doesn’t get pregnant soon, they’ll make her leave Aaron and me and reassign her to someone else.” He felt his blood run cold then go hot. He’d not ever give her or Aaron up. He’d kidnap them first.

“Jonas, I have faith that things will work out. Aaron was brought into your life for a reason. You traveled across the universe to find him and fell for her. I think between you, me, Dave and his connections with some influential Beings, you three will be together for a long time.” Jonas hoped he was right. After a few more minutes of talking Jonas signed off.

Not long after that, Aaron came home with Peri. He got up and went to his mates, pulling them into his embrace. The scent of vanilla and lavender surrounded him. He chuckled and pulled back. “I missed you both too.” The Beings smiled then Aaron walked to the couch and set down a small square bag. He reached in the bag and pulled out a silver half-moon object.

“I know that is a medical scanner from being injured on Earth. What’s that for?”

Aaron wrapped his arm around Peri and walked toward their mate. “I’m going to scan Peri for hormonal changes. If she isn’t pregnant it will give us a chance to see when her optimal fertile time is, and we can take advantage.”

There was a spike in the arousal scent in the air. Jonas felt his cock getting hard with the aroma. His body was becoming conditioned to react to it.

“Lay on the couch, Peri.” He noticed Aaron’s voice was husky. From desire or the emotions of the situation, Jonas could only guess.

Jonas suddenly felt nervous and walked to stand behind Aaron as he began to scan their mate. Jonas didn’t know what he was looking at. He had no medical training beyond battlefield first aid and even then, Being physiology was a mystery to him.

He saw the top of the screen had larger, more stable numbers and by the pictures, saw one was Peri’s heart rate. One number beside hers was a higher number, and what looked like a full body x-ray on the bottom of the screen showed her brain, heart, lungs and her bones. It looked almost identical to what he thought a human would look like.

A tiny dot near her lower stomach showed a small flitter. He blinked, then saw the flittering again. He glanced to Aaron whose face was totally blank. Maybe he was seeing things, not being familiar with their technology. But that flitter was back and getting stronger.

“Aaron.” His voice was a whisper. Aaron touched the screen and zoomed in to the area. “Holy shit.” Even Jonas could see it. A small heartbeat, new and tiny and perfect. He was afraid to hope. She had lost a baby before, and he didn’t want to watch her go through losing another child. His child.

Aaron turned to him, and with tear-filled eyes handed him a small metal wand. “Put this between her heels. It will enhance the readings. It is still very early, but this baby’s heartbeat is so strong. I have hope.” His voice was so quiet Jonas could hardly hear him, but he did as he was told. Jonas pushed a few buttons, and suddenly the room was filled with the sound of a small and fast heartbeat.

He heard Peri laugh then sniff. “I hear the baby’s heartbeat. It sounds strong and healthy. Oh, Aaron, we can stay together!” She pulled the scanning sphere of her face and sat up. “Let me see.” Aaron moved to the couch and handed her the imaging screen. All three of them stared at the recording of their child. “We did this. Our baby.” She touched the screen lovingly, and Jonas watched the tears pour down her pale cheeks and, at that moment, he knew he found everything he was looking for.

Aaron pulled her to stand and wrapped his arms around her, Jonas moved in from behind sandwiching their mate between them. “I’m going to be a father. I never thought that would be possible for me. Thank you, Peri. Thank you, Aaron. What do we have to do to make sure we get to stay together?” He kissed the back of Peri’s head over and over.

Aaron moved his head and brought their lips together. “You mean after we celebrate?” Aaron gave a wicked smile. “I have already sent the scan to the Elders and the Committee. They will want to verify her pregnancy through an examination with their Committee Physician then we will be taken off the available pairing list once Peri has carried the baby to two weeks. But this baby’s heartbeat is stronger than any I’ve seen.”
