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He didn’t need another invitation. In an instant the jacket was off and lying upon the floor. After which, he made quick work of his shirt and the flimsy material holding the four tassels on his body.

Amalia swished her hips and swirled her hem. “The faster you go, the sooner it’ll be my turn.”

“How did you learn to tease like this?” After his belt hit the plank floor, he sat back on the bed and took her hand once more, kissing her wrist so she sighed.

“I promise you, the Tanach wasn’t my only reading material.” She preened a little and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I seem to remember you had certain talents once upon a time. Was it touching or...”

“Stroking?” He swallowed and knit his brow. “Madam, though I speak many languages, English is a rather new one. For some reason my memory is becoming a bit hazy.” Lord, the back of her hand raked downward. He seized her second wrist so he could retain his wits for one last moment because they had to savor this for as long as they could. “I think you might have to define that word. Maybe demonstrate?”

Chapter Fifteen

Amalia froze. That was improper and wanton and... “Where?” Because dangerous or not, the concept of demonstrating on all the places he’d made sing in the past, and maybe a few new ones, sent waves of tingles through her lower half.

“What?” David blinked a few times from his seat on the bed.

“Where do you want me to demonstrate?” She managed to make her voice bold, even as she quaked, desire overcoming any fear or embarrassment. “On you, or on me?”

David bit his lip, releasing it slowly as the glint she craved sparkled in his eyes. He grinned. “You. I’d want you to show me on yourself. Without the gown.”

Interesting choice. Though when was he going to let her touch him? Because if his skin wasn’t on hers pretty soon, her heart might burst through her ribs.

With one hand, she untied the ribbon at her collar. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and, as fast as she could, slid the garment up her body, over her head, and tossed it to the floor, to David’s gasp. She raised her eyes to meet his gaze, and the smoldering heat in the deep brown enflamed her skin. If he continued to look at her like that, she’d give him whatever performance he wanted. Double time.

Body vibrating, she raised her arm, but paused. Something wasn’t right. If this was how it was going to be, it damned well wouldn’t be like all those nights alone pretending her hand was his. Amalia moved towards the bed and took hold of his wrist. “I’m going to need some help for this demonstration.”

“Fair.” David spread his legs so she could stand between them. “After all, I may be short on experience, but I’m a willing and enthusiastic student.”

Heart in her throat, Amalia lifted David’s hand to her breast and pressed his fingers into a squeeze. She moved him over her right nipple, the cool night air from the open window only intensifying the heat rising from her body. She rocked a little on her heels and he kneaded harder, of his own accord. So good. With a moan, her hips inched towards David. Amalia closed her eyes, dipped her head back and whimpered as David’s teasing intensified. Shaking a bit, she grabbed his other hand, guiding it to her left side, so he could tease the twin points of pressure at the same time.

She forced her eyes open to savor every expression on his face. Their time was limited, but she could pretend it was forever, couldn’t she?

Amalia glanced down and reveled in the raw lust in his stare, in his focus, in the tautness of his muscles which proved his mind was only one place, a place in which she could happily frolic with him for as long as he’d permit.

“This informative?” He swallowed, but his eyes never left her body. Neither did his hand. He continued to taunt her flesh, so she was ready to beg for his mouth, shameless or not. Sh

e stumbled into his chest. A warm flush tingled her skin.

Her heart danced against her rib cage. “Do you want to try by yourself?” Please? “Harder?” Pretty please.

“Yes, please. I’d like that very much.” He reached out, encircled her waist with his arms and tugged her onto his lap. “Like this?”

Near rough in his eagerness, David grasped both breasts, sending waves of desire through her entire body. He rolled her nipples between two fingers, making her body squirm of its own accord. More. Lord, she needed more of him. She pressed herself against his chest, trapping his hands. “Oh god, yes. Please, David.”

“Please, what?” He pressed his mouth to her ear, the perfect spot. She ground her hips against him in frustrated longing. “Do you want me to practice stroking anywhere else?”

Nodding, she made more whimpering noises before she managed to find her voice again. “Yes, maybe, but first, kiss me.”

David didn’t hesitate—thank god—taking her mouth in his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and parted her lips for him. The brandy they’d drank mixed with something dark and intense, but exciting. She wrapped her legs around his torso, savoring the connection.

He ran his fingers through her hair, undoing her ringlets. But for once, her hair was the last thing on her mind. Spurred by their heat, she nipped his lower lip. David growled and yanked her back, before enveloping her mouth once more.

Too soon though, he broke the kiss and traced the back of his hand down her cheek. “How was that?”

She threw him her best pout. “I’m not sure. Can we try again?”

“With pleasure.” In a swift motion, David had her on her back, his bare chest melding with her bare skin. He kissed down her neck as he slipped a hand between them so he could attend to her breasts once more, while they panted.

“Oh yes, so, so good.” She arched into him, relishing the soft scratch of the hairs of his chest against her flesh. “You know, you don’t have to only stroke with your hand. You can also use your tongue.”
