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“We’re walking, but we’ll put you in the middle. I don’t want to take any chance after the knife.” David stepped between them and with a tight grip on her shoulder, moved her next to his body, so her hip was against his, the heat searing into her core once more, ex-husband in the room or not.

Amalia rolled her eyes to keep from swooning. “Honestly—” David stroked her gloved hand and any and all protests died as she melted into him. “All right,” she whispered.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, the train lurched forward hard enough that she needed to clutch a seat for purchase. She and David were alone in the car, as Will and Meg had gone on another patrol. She stroked her injured hand, before glancing at her still moody companion. Well, that wouldn’t do. Especially as she needed all the bolstering for her return home and if she was going to have anything involving David...time was growing short, after all.

“Yes? May I help you?” David leaned in, the hickory scent tickling her nose as he asked the question.

“What do you mean?” She choked a little as memories of the night before, all that was interrupted, flitted through her mind.

He folded his arms, but didn’t move away from her. “Come on, Amalia, you’ve been moaning and sighing for hours, loudly.”

“The grimness is unbearable.” She mirrored his stance.

He arched his brows.

“Yes, yes, life in danger, hurt hand, shadowy figures, dead rat. I know and I’m scared too, but I’m also, well, I can’t just sit here and dwell on it, can I?” She stuck out her lip a little at him, willing him to agree, as she had quite the litany of other activities they could be doing instead of becoming all tense. “Especially not since there are worse things that can happen.”

“Worse things?” His lip tipped a bit at that.

Yes. Playful David was back. Amalia shimmied a little in her seat. Time to engage. “I’m never going to be able to finish this column, for example.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I mean, we had to leave and I didn’t even get to try the water.”

“You’re upset about that?” It might have been her imagination, but did he just scoot closer to her?

“Yes, that and the grimness.” She snuggled against him and the cushioned seat, searching his eyes for a flinch that never came. Score one for her. She was getting to him. She wet her lips. “I’m still going to write a lovely review for them. They were very good to us, but it won’t satisfy an entire column. I’ll need more so I have to think of another idea, an even better one, which I can’t because I’m surrounded by male...brooding.”

“I thought women found brooding attractive.” David reached up as if to stretch, but threaded his arm around her shoulder on the way back. Luckily no one was in the car with them and Will was guarding the door. “Thad mentioned you were particularly enamored with books by a few British women who wrote rather stormy heroes.”

Amalia closed her eyes and forced herself not to vibrate with excitement at his nearness. Well, not too much. She stroked her hand again, not daring to look at him, least he’d stop touching her. “Um, no. I changed my mind about both Heathcliff and Mr. Rochester when I grew up. I’m not twelve anymore. And Thad needs to keep his mouth shut.”

“Family trait.” David nudged her side with his elbow.

“Mean.” She bumped him right back before gazing up to find him dangling a small pouch with a single finger. “What’s that?”

“A vial of water from the springs.” David grinned at her, a real full, confident smile, showing his teeth. “I purchased it from the desk clerk on our way out. I told him that we had a family emergency, but my wife just needed a little to tide her over until we’d be back. I gave him quite the tip.”

“Oh, David.” Amalia’s heart swelled and she had to clutch the seat so not to spring onto his lap and wrap her arms around him.

Instead, he dropped it into her hands. “I doubt it will do anything.”

“Just save my column and my neck with my editor.” She clutched it to her chest. “Thank you, thank you, thank you so much.” She held out her hand to David. “Take off my left glove.”

“Bossy again.” He tutted to the same beat as the train wheels.

“Please.” She stuck out her lower lip at him and laid her hand across his so he couldn’t refuse.

With a gentle touch that made the bottom of her stomach zing, he undid each button and slid the material off in a slow, languid, almost flirtatious motion. “There we go.” He brushed a lock of hair off her forehead.

“Um, can you open this too?” Amalia indicated to the water sample and swallowed. He was far too good at this game, but it was so enjoyable not to play, even if she did need to focus on the rest of her task.

“What do you want to do with it?” He squinted as he unscrewed the top and held it out to her.

She shook her head. “Dab it under my eyes. I can powder again after but there are circles and I want to see if this gets rid of them.” At least he could make himself useful and touch her. Two birds with one stone and all of that.

David blinked. “You’re serious.”

