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Amalia smiled a little to herself as an image of him removing not just the jacket, but the shirt, and everything underneath, flashed in her mind. She could lie back on the bed and he’d undo each button, gazing down at her and only her with hunger in his eyes. She had to grind her jaw so not to whimper. Oh yes, it was time to make this evening interesting.

* * *

David hung back at the edge of the room, near his corner, observing the crowd while Will worked the perimeter of the house. They still had a job, no matter what half-drunk Thad said when he’d slapped them both on the back. Enjoy yourselves, boys.

Nope, not when his task was almost finished, not when he was on the brink. Enjoyment was for later, though... David reached out and snatched what appeared to be chopped liver on toast from a servant’s tray. The food was decadent. He slipped it in his mouth—delicious. This was the good stuff.

Wealth, no matter how unfair, had its advantages. Which was why everyone should have access—to everything—the music, the lights, the liver—all of it. At least once in a while.

He leaned against the chair rail, kicking one leg over the other as he surveyed the ballroom. It was pretty in the light, fresco-adorned ceiling and six twinkling chandeliers. So much white and gold. The wallpaper shimmered. Good thing he was in one of Thad’s suits not his own. He’d probably stain every surface.

Though when he received his promotion, he’d invest in the finest suit money could buy and glide into events like this as if he belonged. A waste under other circumstances, but here, a tool. Because maybe if he could appear to belong, Amalia’s parents would approve and she’d agree to some sort of arrangement. Something that would be enough.

Magnolias tickled his nose, wafting in from right beside his ear. Amalia leaned her chin on his shoulder. He turned, his lips brushing hers. His innards crackled and hummed.

“Careful, someone will see.” He whispered the words against her ear resisting the urge to nibble.

“Possibly, but I like this.” She tilted her head away to view the crowd but slid her body closer so her bosom grazed his arm.

“You like what?” he asked.

“Being this close to you, the way we fit now. I’ve never liked being tall so much.” Amalia remained facing the party but she trailed her hand down the back of his sleeve. The urge to clasp her wrist and bring her knuckles to his lips assaulted his senses.

She was such delightful trouble in her own home. Rebellious even—something that shouldn’t be attractive, but for him at least...then and now and always.

“You’re a very dangerous woman.” He weaved his arm around her so he could touch the small of her back. “If anyone notices us, that baby isn’t going to be the only one losing something from his nether regions.” Damned if she didn’t wriggle for him. What was he going to do with her? Well, he could think of a few ideas, just not in the middle of a bris.

“We can find somewhere else to be.” Amalia slid a bit in front of him so she could lean her bottom against his body. “Unless the festivities put a damper on...”

“Not a chance.” He swallowed. “But that’s a bit dangerous, isn’t it?” Though he was already running through room options in his head from his last scouting trip around the house. The good part of protection duty was that he could study the layout of the house. Including every nook and cranny.

And yes, he might have had a few flights of fancy during his patrols. But, to be fair, after what he experienced in the cave, who wouldn’t picture Amalia bent over the window seat in the guestroom, or spread on a reading couch in the library? And only a slug wouldn’t be inspired by the woman’s own four-post bed. What they’d done in the past was so paltry compared to what they could do now with all the wisdom and knowledge they’d gained.

“This is a perfect opportunity, people will be eating and socializing for hours. Besides, we like danger, don’t we?” Amalia echoed his own thoughts in his ear.

His heart began to pound, but not with fear, with excitement. His mind lit on all the letters, all the possibilities.

“That we do.” He stuffed his hands into the too-tight pockets, forcing his voice not to crack, to be as suave as possible. “All right.” David tapped his chin as his brain worked through a million excellent ideas. “I heard your father was going to start his poker game in his study in an hour, which is right next to your room, so we have a ‘deadline,’ as you like to say.” Further mischief sparked in his mind. “Slip out now. Remove your knickers and bustle and place them in your room so I can act as your lady’s maid later. Find a condom and slip it inside your glove.”

She opened her mouth in protest but he laid a finger over her lips. “It’s crowded enough that no one will notice, which is good because I have a task for you.”

“A t-t-task,” she stammered but her eyes darkened to a near charcoal gray, her lust evident.

“Oh yes, danger, remember?” He pressed his hand against her back, once more, firm. “I want you to come back to the party and talk to five people without your knickers. Only then can you retire to your bedroom. I’ll be waiting for you, in the same position I was in that night you scared me half to death when we were young. This time though, I want to be inside you while you’re astride. I want to best the earlier memory.” So they could come around full circle and this time, find a way to be together instead of apart.

Amalia’s pulse sped so fast it vibrated into his body. But she nodded. “All right.”

“You like that idea?” he whispered, before blowing a stream of air against her lobe. He was rewarded by the rub of her bustle against him.

“Yes, I do. But it’s rather difficult to accomplish when I’m in this state.” She made a small whimpering noise.

“That’s my intent.” He smiled into the back of her floral-scented hair. “And you are going to love thinking of me the entire time you’re talking and while I make you wait. Me and only me.”

A near moan. He’d need to be careful or he’d have to cover her mouth. Not that he would because she was too delicious like this and he, well, when he made her want him, he was on top of the world. When she sparked with desire for him, the coat wasn’t too tight, and the shoes didn’t pinch, and his father never happened. When he made her squirm against him, he was invincible.

He scooted a bit off the wall so he could brush her body more. “You have no idea what that thought does to me.”

Amalia whirled around and crossed her arms, a small smirk on her face. “Well, just don’t get that worked up. I don’t actually want to get caught, but I want it to be long enough to remember.”
