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She was happy when a few minutes later she caught Emma’s eye and signaled her to meet in the bathroom. “Excuse me,” she said to the table as she rose. “I’ll be right back.” The men stood as well until she left the table.

“Do you need any help?” her sister-in-law asked.

“No, I’m fine. Thanks.” She held her smile until she turned the corner. “My feet are killing me,” she whispered to Emma as soon as they’d turned the corner and were out of sight from the room. “And my face is sore from smiling. I’m thrilled to be becoming Niko’s missus, but I’m not sure I’ll survive the hoopla!”

“You look beautiful,” Emma reassured her. “And you’ll be fine.”

“You’re the one who looks amazing. No one would guess that you had little Amelia just two months ago!”

They reached the bathroom. Monique pulled out her compact and patted her face.

She turned to Emma, glad that with her upcoming nuptials their friendship had deepened. “I’m glad we got a moment alone. I wanted to thank you.”

“For what?”

“For giving advice that I didn’t ask for. Do you remember?”

“Mo, we have a newborn. I get no sleep and these days am lucky to remember my name.”

“It was just after clinching the Democratic nomination. With Niko, I was determined to keep my distance. But you told me to take a chance, that if I saw something I wanted, to go for it. And now I’m wearing his ring.”

Emma grabbed several tissues. “Oh, look at you getting all sentimental and making me cry.” She gave some to Monique, who dabbed her eyes. “My hormones are still all over the place. It doesn’t take much.” She tossed her tissue in the wastebasket. “Now, let’s hear the good stuff.”

“About what?”

“Your love life, silly. Is he any good in bed?”


“Hey, this is important. A very serious matter!”

“Yes, it is, and he’s amazing. Sometimes I think he’s almost too much.”

“Ah.” Emma’s eyes sparkled. “Trust me, that’s a good thing. My husband and I have never had a disagreement that a good swiving didn’t fix.”

“Swiving? Seriously?”

“I’m a historical-romance fiend. Don’t judge me.”

Monique laughed. “I won’t. I’ll just think of you the next time I get my swive on.” She took a deep breath. “Okay, I think I’m ready to face the table again. Niko keeps whispering nasty comments to me. I can barely look my parents or in-laws in the eye!”

“Just visualize what they had to do to get you here and you’ll be fine.”


“Ha! At least you’re not thinking of Niko’s comments right now.”

“I only wish I were!” She grabbed her friend and hugged her. “Thanks for everything. Love you, Em.”

“Love you, Mo.”

They returned to their tables. Niko took up where he’d left off, leaning toward her and whispering, “I missed you,” before surreptitiously licking her ear.

Her gasp caused the table to turn in her direction. “Is everything all right, dear?” her father asked.

“Yes.” It would be even better if I could control my heartbeat.

Warren’s wife, Charli, took in Monique’s flushed color. Being married to Niko’s brother, she had an idea why. It was time to shift the table’s focus. “Monique, I love your color scheme. What made you choose them?”

“Thank you,” she said, her eyes conveying that the gratitude was not only for the compliment but for the question. “Pink has always been my favorite color. The idea of silver came from the Silver Serenade Concert. It was a very special night.” She glanced at Niko and saw his knowing smile. Reaching beneath the table, she squeezed his hand and with a quick shake of her head dared him to comment further. Everyone knew about the concert’s success but only she and Niko knew that trip to San Francisco’s true significance, when magic had happened and their lives had changed. That special moment would remain just between the two of them. For Niko and Monique it was the start of it all…their secret silver night.
