Page 42 of Indulge Me Tonight

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“Tel.” His rough voice was whisper soft when he saw her.

* * *

Tielle’s purpose for the trip down to Grae’s guest suite flew right out of her mind. She could feel her mouth hanging open but had no inclination to shut it. In helpless fascination, her gaze traced the heat-inducing ripple and flex of his chest, broad and perfectly defined. This reaction, despite the fact that she’d just had the pleasure of the chiseled plane beneath her fingertips, against her back and thighs, as they’d pleasured each other in the most explicit ways.

She heard a gasp and realized that it had thankfully not come from her, but one of the upstairs room attendants. The young woman had caught sight of Grae and stood rooted to her spot. The fresh linens she carried promised a tumble to the floor while she ogled the half-dressed male in the doorway.

“Morning, Chelsie,” Tielle said while pushing Grae into the room and closing the door behind them.

“Sorry about that,” he said.

“Sure you are.” She risked another indulgent scan of his body. “I see you’re not out and about yet.”

“Getting a late start. You completely exhausted me.”

“Sure I did.”

Grae indulged in his own survey of his wife’s attire. Slowly, his cool bronze eyes studied the subtly alluring cut of the peach wrap dress she wore. “I see you’re up and at ’em. You know I could probably use another shower if you’d like to join me.”

“Be serious.”

“I am.”

Tielle took note of their position then. Grae had not put much distance between them since she had pushed him back into the room. Sandwiched between him and the door was perhaps not the best place to be if she’d come there for discussion and…nothing more.

“There’re reporters outside. Faro arranged for them to be here.”

“Wonder what that’s about?” Grae’s consideration of the issue was scant.

He rested a shoulder against the door. Tielle clenched her fists to resist running her hand across the sleek, honey-toned surface of his magnificent chest. She cleared her throat when he noticed her staring.

“I, um, I came down—came by—because I didn’t want you to get…agitated…” Her eyes traveled helplessly downward.

“I’m not agitated, Tel. I only want Faro to make his point so we can get this over with and I can focus on why I came down here.”

“You came down here for your family.”

“You’re my family.”

“Grae, we need to get downstairs.” He was dipping his head to kiss her. “Everybody’s on edge—” She moaned as his tongue drew hers into an erotic dance. “Reporters are at the front door,” she managed when he broke the kiss. “Faro hasn’t come down yet.”

“Good, that gives us time…”

“We have no time.” She made half fists against his chest when he launched an assault on her earlobe. “They’re already asking for you.”

“They can keep asking.”

“Grae…” His name slid into a moan from her tongue. His fingers had found the side entrance provided by the design of her dress.

Grae was skirting her thigh, celebrating that panties were all she wore beneath the frock. The garment made a quick trip to the floor after a few insistent tugs. His tongue coaxed her lips apart while his fingers made their presence known. Relentlessly, they plundered her core, instantly reducing the spot to a quivering, moist mass. The kiss he requested deepened when his middle finger probed high.

He treated her to an exchange of thrusts and rotations that put Tielle on the toes of her platform pumps. She wanted to experience every nuance of his touch. Her kiss held a shameless desperation and carried with it unsteady moans with each scrape of her tongue against his.

Her heart flew into her throat when he suddenly hoisted her high, bringing her to his eye level. Setting her back against the door, he secured her there with a knee between her thighs.

“Grae…” His name was a warning veiled within a caress.

Tielle felt the unmistakable bump of an insistent erection, and she pushed at his shoulders with more warning. Grae didn’t argue, simply kept her close, gnawing at her neck before pampering the ravaged space beneath his tongue. He held her easily with one arm banded about her waist. She realized he was taking her deeper into the room.
