Page 12 of It's Only You

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Chapter 4

Simona paced the staff break room, not sure she had done the right thing by accepting Donovan’s dinner offer. Sure, she told herself, she wanted to see him again, but it wasn’t something she was ready for tonight. Hadn’t she promised herself not to get caught up with another man who could disrupt her quiet life?

She also had Yasmine to think about now and had no intention of bringing a string of men around her young niece. Besides, most men would run screaming at the mention of a child. But Donovan’s smile and easygoing manner made it hard to say no. And, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, she was glad to see him. Sighing, she pulled out her cell.

“Hey, Eve,” Simona said when Eve answered.

“Hey, girl. You have to work late again?”

“No. Donovan showed up and invited me to dinner. But if you have to leave, I’ll just tell him no,” she quickly added.

Eve chuckled. “So, your knight is back, huh? Go, girl! Yasmine and I are just fine. It’s about time for you to get your groove back.”

“Look who’s talking. I don’t see you going out with any guys.”

“That’s because I’m still basking in my singleness. After giving seven years to my jerk of an ex-husband, I need time to do all those things the cheating bastard was doing with his mistress. His money and my classes keep me quite busy.”

Simona laughed.

“But you don’t have an excuse, so have a great time at dinner. Let your hair down and have some fun. Bye.” She hung up before Simona could respond.

Smiling, she shook her head and pocketed the phone. Walking over to the mirror, she released her long braids from the elastic band and redid them in a neat bun. She glanced down at the scrubs, smoothed a hand over her top and wished she were dressed a little better. She got her purse and went out to meet Donovan.

He was seated reading a magazine, but tossed it aside and stood when she approached. “Ready?”

Something told her she’d never be ready for a man like him, but she nodded. “Yes.”

He placed a hand on the small of her back and guided her toward the exit, the subtle pressure conjuring up memories of how much his touch affected her. And why did he have to look so good?

“So where would you like to go?” Donovan asked, breaking into her thoughts.

“There’s a bar and grill not too far from here.” She told him the name and street address.

“I know where that is.”

“Okay. I’ll meet you there.” She started in the direction of her car, and he caught her hand.

“Ah, I don’t think so.” He shook his head. “A gentleman wouldn’t let his lady drive to a date, especially a first date.”

His lady? First in, there would be more? “Oh. I was just thinking it might be easier. Then you wouldn’t have to drive back over to drop me off.”

He unleashed that captivating smile on her. “Believe me, it’s no problem, Simona. Shall we?”

Simona nodded. He continued to hold her hand as they walked across the lot to his car. Donovan stopped next to a late-model black BMW and held the door open. She melted into the butter-soft leather seat as he closed the door.

Donovan got in on the driver’s side and started the engine. “It’ll be cool in a minute,” he said as he turned the air on full blast.

“No problem. Nice car. It still has that new car smell.” He must be pretty well-off to afford this type of car. It made her speculate on just what type of job he had.

“Thanks. I’ve only had it about four months. I figured after eight years it was time for a new one.”

She hadn’t been on a date in a while and always hated that first date awkwardness. She searched her mind for something to say. “So, you said your arm is okay? Did you see your doctor?”

“Arm’s fine. I have an appointment on Thursday. How’s your hip?”

“It was sore for a couple of days, but I’m good as new now.”

He came to a red light and turned his head in her direction. “Is that right?” His heated gaze roamed lazily over her, lingered at her hip, then moved back up to her face. “That’s good to hear,” he murmured, focusing his attention back on the road and pulling away.

Simona’s pulse spiked. She pulled in a deep breath and stared out the window. His comments were innocent enough, but the accompanying look and sensual undertone warmed her in places she’d forgotten about and reminded her of just what she’d been missing. They lapsed into a companionable silence.
