Page 15 of It's Only You

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Simona tried to make sure she kept Yasmine to her scheduled eight-thirty bedtime. It was only twenty minutes past that time, and she figured her niece was waiting for their usual bedtime ritual of reading, singing, back rub and kissing the two small stuffed animals that slept in the corner of the crib.

“Let me put her to bed, and I’ll be right back,” she said to Eve.

“Take your time. I’ll be waiting to hear all about that dinner date.”

Simona shook her head and continued down the hall to Yasmine’s bedroom. She placed her purse on the dresser and sat in the rocking chair. Yasmine immediately lifted her arms. “Okay. I know you want to sing ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider.’” She sang a jazzed-up version of the tune, plus “Jesus Loves Me” before rising to place the baby in her crib.

They played the kissing game. Yasmine giggled and babbled, “Mamamama,” warming Simona’s heart. The little girl was asleep within minutes of the back rub.

Simona made sure the monitor was turned on and left silently. Eve was sitting at the dining room table with a book open, scribbling furiously. She sat across from her. “How’re classes going?”

Eve put the pen down and removed her glasses. “Girl, somebody should have warned me that brain cells die after thirty. I was always a good student, but this thirty-four-year-old brain ain’t what it used to be. This master’s program in psychology is no joke. If I ever get the notion to go back for a doctorate, please smack me upside the head.” They both laughed. “Enough of that.” She leaned forward with her head propped in her elbows. “I want to hear about your dinner with Donovan.”

“There’s not much to tell. We just went to a bar and grill.”

“What kind of car does he drive, and what does he do?”

“He drives a BMW and works in music management. He says he works in the office, but knows some musicians.”


“Yeah. He’s a really nice guy, but I don’t want a repeat of what happened before.”

“You can’t compare Donovan to Travis.”

Simona cringed at the mention of her ex. She had met the up-and-coming actor at a local theater in San Francisco where a friend was also performing. Her friend had invited Simona to hang out with the cast after the show. Travis Jacobs had been pleasant and likeable, and before she knew it, they were a couple. Initially, things had been great. But as the months rolled by it became less about them and more about him, and his true egotistical nature was on display for the world to see. Every date became a photo op, and after six months she called it quits.

Rather than let it go, Travis spun it to insinuate that he’d initiated their breakup and used it as an opportunity to further his career, making it sound as if he was devastated by the breakup—he had the nerve to shed a tear during an interview—and accused her of being jealous of his fame.

After several months of dodging the cameras, she’d quit the job she loved and relocated to LA. It didn’t help that Simona was dealing with her sister’s death and concerned about her niece.

“Simona?” Eve gently prodded.

“I know. But I can’t do that again. Travis made my life a living hell. I couldn’t go anywhere without a camera in my face. And now I have Yasmine.”

“Did you tell Donovan about her?”

“No. We barely know each other, and I don’t want to start bringing all kinds of men around. Besides, most men don’t want to be saddled with a woman who has a child.”

“I can see your point about not wanting to bring lots of men around her, but what if Donovan wants to continue seeing you? How long are you going to hide her from him?”

“I don’t know what I’ll do. He asked me to go to a concert next weekend.”

Eve stood. “Well, if you decide to go to the concert, I’ll be happy to babysit. But don’t wait too long to tell him.” She gathered up her book and papers and put them into a tote. “Oh, your grandmother called.”

“Okay. Thanks. I’ll call her tomorrow.”

She saw Eve to the door, then came back and collapsed on the sofa. “And this is why I don’t date,” she muttered, rubbing her temples.

Leaning back, Simona replayed every detail of the evening in her head. She laughed, remembering Donovan’s phone call outside. Her smile faded and she groaned. He hadn’t said a lot about his job, just that he worked in an office. But what did he really do?

As much as she had enjoyed her time with Donovan tonight, she needed to put the brakes on whatever was going on between them. She wasn’t ready to put herself out there again, especially with someone who possibly lived in the public eye.
