Page 24 of It's Only You

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Simona stood anxiously off to the side and took a quick peek at her watch, hoping Donovan would finish his conversation soon, though she couldn’t be mad at him for doing his job. It wasn’t his fault the thought of someone from the media taking her picture and linking her back to her ex freaked her out. No, that honor belonged to Travis, she thought sarcastically.

Loud voices coming from the other side of the room startled her. A stream of people entered the room. Her panicked gaze sought out Donovan, but he was quickly swallowed up by the influx of fans eager to meet Sheila Martin. Her heart raced, and she moved to a corner. Moments later, a strong arm circled her waist.

“Come on, baby. Let’s go,” Donovan whispered close to her ear.

They threaded their way through the crowd, and she breathed a sigh of relief once they exited the club.

He slung an arm around her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine—it was just all those people at the end had me feeling a little claustrophobic,” she answered brightly, praying Donovan wouldn’t know how rattled she had gotten. Simona had no desire to rehash the details of her past. “It’s nice that Sheila’s made such an impact with her music, this being her first CD.”

“She’s pretty happy about it, too. Can I tempt you into getting some dessert?”

Simona laughed. “Tempting, but I’d better not.”

“How about some coffee or tea? There’s a Starbucks up the street.”

“Okay. Starbucks will work.” It was already after ten, and she didn’t want to be out much longer. Forty-five minutes later, Donovan, seemingly reluctant, escorted her to the car.

“I’m really not ready to end the evening, but I’d better get you home,” he said with a heavy sigh.

Truth be told, Simona didn’t want the evening to end, either. It had been a long time since she had enjoyed being with a man, but she needed to get home to her niece. She still hadn’t decided how to tell Donovan about Yasmine. Tonight had made her more certain that a relationship between them could never happen. As much as she enjoyed being with him, she didn’t want to risk another chance at her quiet life being disrupted.

On the drive, Simona tried to come up with a good reason to give Donovan as to why she couldn’t see him again, but drew a blank. She had never had a problem telling a man she didn’t want to see him in the past. Then again, she’d never met a man like Donovan—a man whose very presence commanded a room and who was both strong and gentle at the same time. Why couldn’t he have a nice, quiet job? His hand settled on top of hers.


“I’m sorry. Did you say something?”

“I was just asking if you were okay. You seemed to be in another world over there.”

She wished they were in another world. “I’m fine. Just thinking about how much fun I had tonight.”

“I’m glad.” He pulled into her driveway, cut the engine and rotated in his seat to face her. “A buddy of mine is having a barbecue a week from Saturday, and I’d like to invite you. It’ll be very low key.”

“Donovan, I...” She trailed off at the hopeful expression on his face.

“Please. His grandmother is on a mission to fix me up with the granddaughter of one of her friends. Can you help a brother out?” He gave her a sad expression.

She turned her head to hide her smile. Why can’t I tell this man no? Turning back, she asked, “All right. What time?”

Donovan unleashed his full dimpled smile. “Great! Thank you. Everything’s going to start around one. I’ll pick you up around twelve forty-five.” He hopped out of the car and came to her side of the car. Pulling Simona to her feet, he brushed a kiss across her lips. “I really appreciate you helping me out. Although, I have to confess, I just want to spend more time with you.” He took her hand and led her up the walkway.

Simona wanted to spend more time with him, too, but she couldn’t tell him that. What she should say is that the barbecue would be their last date. Somehow, she couldn’t get her mouth to form those words, either. When they got to her front door, she looked up at him. “Thank you for a nice evening, Donovan.”

“I enjoyed being with you,” Donovan said, bending to kiss her.

The moment their mouths met, he slid his tongue between her parted lips and latched on to hers. Pulling her closer, he angled his head and deepened the kiss, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. Simona moaned and gripped his shoulders when she felt the solid bulge of his erection against her belly. She knew she should stop him, but every coherent thought went right out the window. Her body trembled, and she felt his body shudder.
