Page 30 of It's Only You

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Simona gasped. “Um...I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble, so we should go.”

Donovan glanced around the room once more. “I like your place. It reminds me of you.”

“How so?”

“Warm and inviting.”

“I think we need to leave.” She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him to the front door.

“I’m just saying...”

“Uh-huh. Out. You are too tempting.” She locked the door and followed him to the car.

Donovan started the car and turned the air on full blast.

Simona laughed. “A little warm?”

His gaze slid over her bare thighs in those shorts and back up to her face. “Blazing.” He gripped the steering wheel tighter.

She gave him an amused glance. “Well, let’s hope you cool off by the time we get to your friend’s house.” He grunted, and she laughed harder. “How far is it?”

“About half an hour.” He debated telling her just who his “friend” was, but decided to hold off. He wanted Simona to meet Terrence Campbell, not R & B superstar Monte, especially after what happened last weekend at the concert. Donovan didn’t buy that she was just camera shy.

They conversed about everything from politics to sports, and he found out that she was a huge NBA fan. When they drove up to the gate, he lowered the window and typed in the code.

“You didn’t say we were going to a home that could be featured on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. I feel way underdressed.”

“You look fine. I have on shorts and a T-shirt. Trust me, everybody else will be dressed the same.”

He parked in the circle driveway behind Brad’s Mercedes, got out and came around to assist her. They skirted the three other cars and walked up three steps to double doors. Donovan rang the bell. While waiting, he observed Simona. She shifted from foot to foot and nibbled on her lip. Before he could comment, the door swung open.

“What’s up, D? About time you got here,” Terrence said. “And who is this lovely lady?”

“Hey, T. Terrence Campbell, this is Simona Andrews. Simona, Terrence.”

“Nice to meet you, Simona,” Terrence said. “You guys come on in. Everybody’s out back.”

Behind Terrence’s back, Simona slapped Donovan across the arm and mouthed, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

He shrugged and smiled. She rolled her eyes. Holding Simona’s hand, they followed Terrence through the house and out to the backyard.

* * *

Simona nearly had a heart attack when she realized Donovan’s friend was R & B singer and producer Monte. She tried not to stare as they walked through the house, but failed. The tastefully done rooms were the perfect combination of luxury and comfort. But what held her attention were the amazing paintings of landscapes hanging on the walls. She made a mental note to ask Donovan about it later.

As they rounded a corner, a petite woman carrying a very young baby intercepted them. Terrence stopped walking and placed his arm around the woman. “Simona, I’d like you to meet my very beautiful and talented wife, Janae. Janae, this is Simona.”

“Nice to meet you, Simona. I’m glad you could make it,” Janae said.

“Nice to meet you, too, Janae. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. She’s adorable.”

“Thank you,” Terrence and Janae chorused. The two shared a look of adoration, then Terrence placed a tender kiss on his wife’s lips. Simona felt a twinge of jealousy.

“All right, all right, you two. Knock it off. You have guests,” Donovan said. “Hey, Janae.” He bent to kiss her cheek. “How’s my goddaughter doing?” He reached for the baby. “Simona, this little angel is Nadia Elise Campbell.”

She smiled at the little bundle. Simona watched in fascination as he gently cradled the baby as if it was second nature. A memory surfaced of the nurse gushing over Monte being at the hospital. Putting two and two together, she realized Nadia must have been born the night she met Donovan.

Outside, Donovan introduced her to several more people, including Janae’s parents and Terrence’s grandparents. She found out immediately that what Donovan had told her about Terrence’s grandmother was true. The woman was a serious matchmaker.

Holding Simona’s hands, Mrs. Campbell smiled. “It’s wonderful to meet you, Simona. Call me Miss Ellie or Grandma.”

Donovan stood behind Miss Ellie, frantically shaking his head and mouthing, “Don’t call her Grandma. Don’t do it.”
