Page 56 of Hired Hottie

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“Do you want to maybe try this again sometime?”

With a thick swallow, I consider my options before hesitantly agreeing. “I think that could be fun.”

“Perfect. Let me take you home.”

“You don’t have to do that,” I argue.

“Yes, I do.”

“Seriously, I’m totally fine. I grew up here. I know how to get around New York on my own.”

“You sure?”

“Yup. Positive. I’ll see ya later, though, okay?”

With his hand pressed against my lower back, Conner guides me to the front door and plants a chaste kiss against my cheek. “I’ll text you. Thanks again for tonight. I had a really good time.”

“Me too.”

Chapter Nineteen


The subway ride is quick, and after another block of walking with the New York traffic ever-present on my street, I pull out my keys and take the elevator to my apartment. As soon as I open the door, my heart leaps into my throat.

“What the hell, Levi!” I screech, my hand clutching my chest.

“Hey,” is all I get in reply as Levi grabs a handful of popcorn from an orange bowl in his lap. On the coffee table, a few empty bottles of beer are waiting to be taken to the trash, and the television screen flickers Stranger Things on Netflix. It takes a second for me to register what I just walked into.

“Why are you here?” I probe, eyeing him warily. I’m still not sure where we stand since he walked in on me kissing his roommate. And him showing up on my couch after using my spare key is definitely not the norm. Oh, and did I mention the beer bottles strewn across the coffee table on a work night? I pull out my phone and check for a text to see if he’d warned me that he’d be hanging out here, but I don’t find any notifications.

“Didn’t know how long you were going to be with Asshat Conner Daniels, so I figured I’d come here instead.” There’s a venomous edge to his comment that makes my ears perk up. He leans forward and picks up a half-full bottle from the coffee table before bringing it to his lips. However, I can only see the back of his head and part of his face since he hasn’t deemed my presence worthy enough to pause his precious show. I mean, Stranger Things is pretty good…but still.

“Asshat Conner Daniels?” I clarify, trying to catch up on the conversation when I have so many questions.

“Yeah. Isn’t that what you call him?”

Called, I want to correct, but I go for a different tactic.

“I thought you said he redeemed himself?” I challenge, inching closer.

“I did too until I saw his tongue down your throat and The Notebook playing. I mean, come on, Charlie. The Notebook? You’re better than that. Besides, for a girl on her first date, and one who claims to be so innocent, I’m surprised I found you on his couch so quickly.”

My hackles rise, and my feet stop their cautious pursuit toward him. “Excuse me?”

“I’m sorry, did I stutter?” He still hasn’t bothered to look at me as he voices his asshole remark, and I kind of want to smack him for it.

Pointing to the do

or, I try to keep my voice from shaking. “Get out.”

He finally glances over his shoulder and locks my gaze with his. “No.”

Stomping my foot against the floor, I cross my arms. “You have no right to be mad at me right now. And that little assumption you just threw in there? Not cool, Levi.”

“What assumption?” He turns back to the screen as if our conversation isn’t worth his time. It takes everything inside of me not to pick up the nearest object and throw it at him. Forget a friendly smack in the head; I’m about to go for broke.

Fisting my hands at my sides, I seethe, “Don’t play dumb, Levi. How many girls have you slept with on the first date? And let’s be honest, that’s assuming you even take them out for dinner first when we both know the majority of your conquests don’t even require that much before jumping into your bed and spreading their legs. I’d be willing to bet it’s over half of them.” He doesn’t bother to defend himself, so I press on. “And in case you were wondering, I wasn’t even close to sleeping with Conner. It was a kiss, Levi. One freaking kiss. If it were you that I’d been on a date with, your hand would’ve been up my shirt in the blink of an eye. Conner was a gentleman—”
