Page 92 of Hired Hottie

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My arms wrap around her tiny waist before spinning her around as soon as the words slip past her lips. I shout, “Yes!” then squeeze her tighter and slam my mouth against hers. The hustle and bustle of the city fades away, leaving nothing but the feel of her lips and her lithe body as it slides down mine. When her feet touch the ground, my mouth devours her whole. I shove every ounce of passion I can at her, knowing she can take all of it.

Her hands tangle into my hair as she presses her front against me. With her tits plastered against my chest, Charlie pants into my mouth like she’s in the middle of one of our long-ass runs. When I pull away, her eyes are shining with lust as she murmurs, “So I heard make-up sex—”

I cut her off by diving back in for another kiss. She opens up to me, letting me take whatever I want before tangling our fingers together and tugging us into her building. As we reach her floor, I grab the back of her thighs and lift her up before carrying her down the hall. Pressing her back into the wall, I dig my fingers into her ass then slide my mouth away from hers to nibble on the long column of her throat. Her head rolls from side to side as her hips slowly grind into mine. And the hottest part? She has no fucking clue how sexy she is.

“Better open this door before your neighbors get a show,” I growl, biting the tender flesh where her neck meets her shoulder.

With a light laugh, she fumbles for her keys. After handing them to me, I unlock the door while still balancing her on my waist; then, we stumble inside her place like a couple of lovesick fools.

Setting her down, I unbutton her jeans then tug them away from her toned thighs, not caring that we’ve only made it to her damn entryway. I need her. Now. My fingers dig into her ass as I press our fronts together to let her feel what she does to me. Not anyone else. Her.

Resting my forehead against hers, I make sure I have her full attention. As her crystal blue eyes connect with mine, I tell her, “I love the shit out of you, Charlie.”

She smiles. “I love you too.” Then she reaches for the belt buckle on my jeans.

I grasp her wrists. “I mean it. I love you, Charlie Bannon.”

“I know!” she says, twisting out of my grip and diving back for my buckle.

With a deep laugh, I shove her up against the wall, grapple for her wrists a second time, tug them above her head, and grind into her. The result is like music to my ears––staggered breathing and a soft moan.

“Is this all you want from me?”

“Well no—”

“Then let me finish,” I tease.

With a huff, she rips her wrists out of my hold, crosses her arms, and looks up at me with that same stubborn expression I’ve grown to crave. “Fine. Finish.”

“I love you. I’m here with you. And it’ll always be you. You’re it for me. We clear?”

“We’ve already discussed this,” she starts, though I can see her insecurities shining back at me.

“I know. But I also know you let me off the hook too easily today. Like you always do.”

Her haughty exterior slowly vanishes to reveal Charlie. My Charlie.

“You’re perfect,” I continue, taking in her makeup-free face and mussed up hair.


“You are, Charlie. You’re absolutely perfect for me. I want you to know that you’re worth fighting for. That you’re worth fighting over, and that I didn’t regret turning down the job even though I didn’t know if it would get me another chance with you. Yeah, it all worked out, but even if it hadn’t, if I got another chance with you, the sacrifice would’ve been worth it because you’re worth it. You’re worth the world, Charlie Bannon. I’m going to spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”

And I start now. By worshipping every inch of her skin the way she deserves.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Looking around my apartment, I notice how empty it seems now that most of my stuff has been packed away.

I dig my fingers into the back of my neck then venture farther into the apartment.

“Hey, Conner?” I call out. We’ve been avoiding each other like the plague ever since our confrontation, but I need to say something before I hand over my keys.

After a few seconds, I hear him reply, “Yeah?” The sound comes from behind the closed door of his bedroom.

Raising my fist, I knock. “Can I come in?”
