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I’m not made for greatness like Perry and Liv. I have no desire to save a tribe or to right injustices, or even to become the best warrior. I’m an expert knifeman because I have quick hands—not my doing—and because I flirted with the weapon, teasing out its secrets in the name of fun. Spinning a blade and catching it with my eyes closed was an easy way to impress Liv. Becoming lethal was just a consequence.

My ambitions aren’t grand. All I have ever wanted is to be there for the two people who mean everything to me. Maybe that’s a small goal to others, but it’s always felt like enough.


I give myself an hour to brood, and then I pack my thoughts away and wait by a bend on the wooded trail. Without realizing it, I’ve pulled well ahead of Liv and Perry.

I made a mess of Liv’s departure from the Tides by getting into it with Vale. It was selfish of me. She deserved better than that. She deserves better right now. When I see Perry walk up, my regrets vanish and my hands close into fists.

“Are you cured?” he asks. There’s a slight lift to his chin that tells me he’s scenting my temper.

I don’t bother answering; he knows I’m not. “Don’t ever step in like that again. ”

Perry stops. “What was I supposed to do? Let you kill my brother?”

“Yes! You should’ve helped me back there. Look at what he’s done! She’s your sister. How can you protect him and not Liv?”

“He got into your head, Roar. You’re not thinking straight. ”

“You’re not seeing what’s right in front of you! Vale ruins everything. ” He’s even ruining my friendships, I realize. Perry and I don’t fight like this. In a dozen years, we’ve barely ever argued. “What makes you think he won’t come after you next?”

Perry stills. “Careful, Roar. ”

Liv comes around a thicket. She looks from me to Perry. “Well done, you two. This is just what we need,” she says as she walks past.

That night as we’re gathered around the campfire, Wylan complains about his tired feet and his tired eyes. A steady stream of nonsense continues to pour from his mouth as we eat and then watch the fire burn low.

“It should take us around two weeks to get to the Horns,” he says. He tips his chin, gesturing to Liv, who’s fallen asleep with her head resting on my lap. “Guess your days of doing that are numbered. ”

“I guess they are,” I say. I’ve been running my fingers through her hair, watching the way the firelight turns it to gold and copper and bronze. Though she might not feel it anymore, I can’t bring myself to stop. She’s been angry with me all afternoon. Perry has been too. We haven’t spoken since our argument.

“Never thought I’d see you and her split up,” Wylan continues.

I take my bottom lip between my teeth and look up, holding back my first reply. “Neither did I. ” Through a web of tree branches, I see the Aether running in flowing sheets. We don’t have to worry about storms since it’s spring, but tomorrow we’ll be exposed to another danger when we leave Tide land. Outside the tribe territories, every day is a fight for survival. The borderlands test even the strongest.

Wylan turns his attention to Perry, who’s sitting across the fire staring into the flames. “What about you?”

“What about me, Wylan?” Perry answers without looking up.

“Scires are in demand, though I have no idea why. You think Vale’s gonna sell you off like your sister?”

“I don’t know what Vale’s plans are,” Perry says, lifting his eyes.

I know he’s thinking the same thing I am: Wylan is like a skunk. Always foul-smelling, occasionally intolerably so. Tonight, apparently, we’re getting sprayed.

Wylan props his elbows on his knees and scratches the black bristle on his chin. “Well, you can’t stay with the Tides much longer, the way the two of you have been locking horns. You’re gonna have to find a match somewhere else, or disperse and spend the rest of your life in the borderlands—which wouldn’t be long. ”

Perry crosses his arms. “You’ve given this some thought. ”

Anger creeps into his voice, and I can’t blame him. There’s no easy answer to his situation. There can only be one leader. Eventually Perry will have to leave the tribe or challenge Vale for the right to be Blood Lord. When you’re facing your own brother, kill or be killed is a winless situation. He should have just let me off Vale for him earlier.

“I have,” Wylan says. “And so should you. ”

I can’t stand this anymore. Not Wylan’s drivel, or being at odds with Perry. Liv shifts her head on my lap, turning slightly. She peers through her lashes and smiles at me, sleepy and perfect. Not wanting to wake her, I wait until she drifts off again before I speak.

“I’ve got a solution for you, Per. ”

He looks at me, his eyebrows drawing together in surprise. I’ve broken our war of silence. “All right,” he says. “Let’s hear it. ”
