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Just when her career had started to boom, she was faced with the news she was pregnant. Dina woke up in a hospital room, and a doctor walked in to give her the shocking news.

“What do you mean, pregnant?” she gasped, sitting up on the pillows.

“It’s the reason for your recent fainting spells and the fact that you were brought in here after blacking out during a fashion show,” the doctor said calmly. “We ran some tests, and the results show you’re already two months gone.”

Dina sat back heavily, unable to speak as she tried to take it all in.

“You can’t keep up your current schedule with this pregnancy. It’s a bit too soon to tell, but it could prove to be a high-risk baby. We’ll need to do an ultrasound scan to be certain.” The doctor’s calm voice somehow had Dina growing less frantic and more practical. Not only was she pregnant, her baby just might have problems? Why was nothing ever simple?

More to the point, what on earth was she going to do now?

She had this new career that was totally based on her body’s natural thinness, and that was going to change quickly. What scared her the most was having to contact Samuel. A near-perfect stranger – and one-night lover.

For some reason, she’d kept his number, though never thinking she’d use it. Now, she had this whole new development she couldn’t fathom handling alone. She couldn’t even tell anyone in her family or the agency she was with. First, she needed to sound out the next important person involved, and that was the father of the baby.


Not giving herself the chance to chicken out, Dina called his number the moment she checked out of the hospital.

“You didn’t call,” she said once she heard his voice on the line. Hastily though, she went right on to add on a laugh, “But then I haven’t been that easy to reach lately.”

“It’s awesome to hear from you, Dina,” Samuel said simply, with a warmth she wanted to believe was genuine.

Now what? She had no idea how to move on from here. Moments ticked by, and it was excruciating for her.

“You want to meet up?” Samuel asked unexpectedly. “You see, I’m in New York City.”

“How handy, so am I,” said Dina with a nervous laugh.

“Great! How about dinner?” he said with husky invitation. “Just tell me where to pick you up.”

His sexy voice had her losing track of her thoughts, before she blinked and hastily made up her mind to say yes. He sounded happy she agreed, and rounded off with making plans on how to meet.

Dina hung up, biting on her lip with worry. Had she done the right thing? Or was it too soon after she found out to tell Samuel anything?

After all, that night had been so out of character for her and she had planned on never seeing Samuel Franklin again. She’d been so sure she’d forget him eventually. Now, there was no chance of forgetting anything, not with a very permanent outcome as the result of their one night together.

The thought of seeing Samuel again gave her all sorts of nerves. She never did quite manage to sweep him from her mind over the past two months.

It didn’t help that he was such a fine-looking man with everything going for him. His perfectly chiseled body, mesmerizing smile and those dangerously sexy eyes had sent instant shocks to the center of her thighs with one glance…

Coming face to face with him so soon was going to give rise to all sorts of rampant emotions but Dina would have to hold it all in check. Women were undoubtedly a hobby for Samuel Franklin – as much as partying round the globe was. If he found out about the baby, chances were he’d run the other way.

Men like him had no interest in actually getting married or truly settling down with just one woman. Not when there were just so many to play with.

She would just have to at least try, if only for the baby.


Samuel had not expected things between them to be this…awkward at dinner. In his case, he’d been excited to see Dina again. She’d never been far from his mind since they parted. He couldn’t deny she was kind of hard to ignore, considering her face turned up on most ad campaigns and magazine covers he came across.

He’d told himself their night together had been a one-time event neither of them would welcome pursuing. They had such different, crazy schedules that demanded so much of their time and energy. Yet why did it feel like he’d timed his New York trip to coincide with when she too, would be in the city on various assignments?

Samuel was simply glad she’d chosen to call him out of the blue, as he couldn’t say how much he’d have been able to hold back from calling her up himself. Everything had all worked out in the end, so why did she seem so full of nerves?
