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Dina had already gone to see the specialist handling her case. She’d finally found out what potential complications she had to worry about with this baby. Hearing that she’d developed gestational diabetes had at first put her in a panic.

But then the doctor carefully explained that if she followed the treatment plan and diet he provided, she’d have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

“Usually, the diabetes gets resolved after delivery. There’s a small chance of developing type 2 diabetes later, but that’s a bridge we’ll cross if we get to it. What matters is always staying positive,” she said, and something about the doctor’s calm demeanor gave Dina the willpower to keep thinking in an optimistic light as advised.

Dina had never imagined she had this much inner strength. From finding out about the baby, to worrying about the risky pregnancy and even the possible waning of her modeling career – it could have sent her on a nervous breakdown.

Thankfully that wasn’t the case. Since she’d decided to keep the baby, no matter what, she’d felt like she’d grown overnight. She saw this as another turning point in her life and she’d make a success of this, too, and be the best mother she could be.

So even when she felt like she had nowhere to turn, she simply brushed off her shoulder and focused on something positive.

Such as her new idea for a children’s clothing line! It had popped into her head out of nowhere, and she was doing all sorts of research for that. She was just really pumped up about becoming a mother and with her contacts in the fashion industry, she was hoping she could set things off.

It wasn’t like she was short of money to start up her own business. She’d saved up enough thanks to her modest lifestyle. So she was happy at the prospect of being her own boss and calling her own shots.

In the meantime, there was her painting hobby, which was slowly becoming a paid past time. Only that afternoon, she’d started contracts with a few galleries in town to be part of some shows over the next few months. It was a deal she’d been working on even before getting pregnant. Now that the projects were confirmed, Dina couldn’t afford to think of moving away from the city now.

If her modeling career was up in the air, then she really needed to nail down the art thing. And if she was lucky, the kids’ clothing line as well. She just hated the thought of sitting down idle and worrying about her problems.

Especially when one of the problems was in the form of a crazily hot and irresistible billionaire. Samuel Franklin.

The fact that he was always checking up on her, calling and texting was a nice touch. She had to stop picturing him as this unrepentant man-about-town, interested only in philandering and raving.

And yet, with him being a billionaire under thirty with no cause to trouble himself with work or other complications, could she truly begin to trust him?

She’d already let her inexperience land her with an unplanned pregnancy. She’d only had sex twice in the past, which technically made her a virgin. She hadn’t even been on any birth control, contrary to what she might have led Samuel to believe.

As for ‘taking care of things’ as he’d indicated the morning after, Dina had only pretended she knew what he was talking about. She’d really messed up and she wanted to not make any more life-changing blunders.

Like possibly, falling for a certain blue-eyed male’s charms.

A part of Dina felt he could even be secretly blaming her for the whole situation, even though the broken condom issue was nobody’s fault. But how could she really keep holding back with him when all he wanted was to be there for her and the baby?

Dina knew she was softening toward Samuel a lot, judging by how many times she let him take her out to lunch or dinner just to meet up. She also kept him up to date with the details about the health of her and the baby.

What she didn’t expect was to show up for her next doctor’s meeting and find Samuel waiting at the entrance of the hospital.

“What are you doing here?” she asked in total surprise as she stopped in her tracks.

“I’m not going to keep in the background while you face this all alone,” he said evenly. “You told me about the tests and treatments you’ll be facing all through the pregnancy. I’m here to give what support I can.”

Dina sighed. “Samuel, I never asked you to do that. There’s nothing for you to feel guilty about so…”

“I’m not doing this out of guilt. This is my baby, too. Don’t ask me to leave, Dina, because I won’t. I’ve already come all this way and I think I have a right to be here, don’t you?”

“I’m sure you have something better to do than babysit me through all this,” she said, trying to say anything to get him to go. She was just afraid of getting used to all this and ending up needing it so much that she’d crumble when he got tired of playing compassionate.
