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So she told herself she didn’t feel too bad about relinquishing her rising fame. Was it ever really hers to begin with? She’d got into it all by a stroke of luck, and now life had to go on with her as a mother in the near future.

Though she’d seen other top supermodels go as far as walking the runway during Fashion week while as heavily pregnant as Dina, that wasn’t what Dina was interested in right now. Especially when she had to take extra care with this baby. The last thing she wanted was to put the baby at more risk.

It was with that mindset that she moved out of the apartment the agency had provided and moved into a resort while she searched for her own place. The first few days were calming, spent painting the surrounding beach from her room’s deck, going for walks or just relaxing in bed.

Much as she tried to convince herself that she was fine with how things were going, she really wasn’t.

How many times did she glance at her phone wanting to call someone? Not just anyone, but Samuel? Why was she so needy, and just what was it about Samuel that made her feel so safe and yet exposed at the same time?

Three days after she started staying at the resort spa, Dina went to bed very early that evening, but was woken by sharp pains that were all too recognizable. She reached blindly out for the tablets on her nightstand, but only managed to knock the bottle to the floor.

In moments, she began to feel woozy, that same light-headed feeling taking over her vision. Tears of agony spilled from her eyes, and she felt like she could faint. The feeling would pass, it always did. Yet the silent loneliness surrounding her seemed to magnify the painful sensations. She fell back sobbing against her pillow and waited for the blackness to subside.

Minutes later, she turned her head and saw her phone lying just inches away. Suddenly, she knew exactly what she needed to do.

She made herself reach for it, and then lifted it to her ear after pressing that single digit.

Dina took deep calming breaths to keep her voice normal, though she felt her heart beating faster in a new kind of fear. Fear that Samuel wouldn’t be interested in being there as he promised. He could be with someone else even now – and she’d only be a bother. So why would she even…?

“Dina? Is that you?” asked Samuel after the first ring. His deep voice vibrated with warmth and concern, strengthening Dina’s wavering heartbeat. “Is everything okay?”

“No, I…” Dina began, rushed in a few breaths and then heard herself laugh shakily. “Well, right now I’m a bit of a mess. And I’m going to be a mess a whole lot during the coming months. So…if you really meant it about taking me in and you know, being there for me and the baby…”

Samuel didn’t even hesitate. “Of course I meant it. Where are you right now? I can come pick you up. You don’t sound too good.”

Dina’s tears spilled anew down her cheeks just hearing the gentle compassion in his tone. Of all the people she could have called, she realized he was just what she needed right now. She’d only worry her grandparents, and her parents would be so shocked and dismayed about her pregnancy – though they’d do everything they could to help. Dina didn’t even want to think of how freaked out her big sister would be.

She gave Samuel the address, and he told her was on his way right that moment. Dina let the phone slip back on the sheets and she sighed, resting her cheek against her pillow and closing her eyes in relief.

When Samuel arrived, he walked in through the unlocked door. He’d been worried and even scared what he’d find, but Dina was simply seated against the wall in the bedroom, her knees drawn up and her head lowered on her folded arms. She lifted her head when he bent on his haunches and rested his hand on her knee.

“Are you in pain anywhere? Should we go to the hospital?” he asked evenly, while his body was tense with concern for her wellbeing.

Dina shook her head. “I’m okay.” Then she tried a smile. “Apart from the fact I look a mess. I did warn you.”

Gathering her into his arms, he hugged her tight. “I don’t care about any of that.”

Dina was too weak to argue, so she just let him take charge. Never had it felt so good to do that.

And she would see herself doing it more and more over the next few days it took to move in with Samuel. As promised, he saw to it her wing was made as comfortable as possible.

As her condition improved, he had the contractors work overtime to have her studio done. He wanted to motivate Dina to get back on her feet, and he could see her grow more and more impatient to start using her studio once it was ready.

Dina soon realized that moving in with Samuel was the best decision she could have made. He really was thoughtful and always ready to go the extra mile just so she felt at ease. He always made sure she was eating right and taking her medicine. And when it came to her painting, he was her number one fan.
