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Matt spent two more days with them, and his air of being so full of life and energy was quite facilitative in getting Dina and Samuel to bond easier. Sometimes it was just three of them hanging out or Iliana came over, which turned things into some kind of unofficial double date when they all went out.

Dina felt sorry when Matt had to leave. It was just two days he’d been with them yet she’d miss his devil-may-care outlook on things. Finding out he owned one of the most lucrative startups in the country was no surprise, as she had earlier sensed his sharp mind and ingenuity. Once they’d gotten the chance to talk one on one, and he admitted that Samuel had always been the smarter one.

“In college, I really looked up to him and always felt this competitive streak,” said Matt. “I’ve outgrown the latter, but I still think he’s one of the most gifted people I’ve met. With the way he’s shied off the burden of the Franklin business for this long, I’m glad to finally start to see the marks of brilliance being tested with his new venture.”

Dina had leaned forward in keen interest. “You know what he’s working on?”

Matt nodded with a mysterious smile. “I have to say, I’m getting to be more and more envious of my friend. He’s got this gorgeous girlfriend and starting a family, as well as having an exciting prototype in the works, ready to be launched once the company gives approval. Now I’m feeling the need to get my act together and slow down with the partying craze myself. Better late than never, huh?”

Dina joined in his laughter just as Samuel walked in. But when he asked what had them both cracking up, Matt smoothly shifted topics while Dina was left inwardly perplexed.

Her earlier frustration at Samuel grew as she realized just how much he was keeping her in the dark about stuff in his own life. Even if he didn’t consider them a couple, his friend certainly did and possibly anyone else who knew they were together.

Even her family had got to meet him, and the initial astonishment her folks had was steadily replaced by the belief that Dina had her own life to live. And since they knew she found it so hard to trust anyone, the fact she obviously trusted Samuel put him in a positive light in their books.

Dina couldn’t help but be broody about Samuel’s cageyness toward her about his project. Even though she respected his privacy, she didn’t relish the thought of being considered an outsider.

After all, they were having a baby together. Whether it was unplanned or not wasn’t the issue. She really thought they’d grown closer and were supportive of each other’s goals. He knew all about her gallery work and even her business plan with the whole kid’s clothing line. It didn’t seem fair he’d be keeping her in the dark over his endeavors.

She’d been so glad he was showing a different side from the party boy she’d first met who’d craved the flashing lights and loud extravagance of the club life and high society. She could see him as a family man now, and it hurt that the reality finally hit that they weren’t a couple at all, not when they had secrets between them.

Sensing her darkened mood, Samuel brought up the suggestion of a dinner outing that evening. “You need to take a break from the kitchen and enjoy someone else’s cooking for a change,” he said, steering her up to her bedroom to get ready.

“You’re right. I should take some time to pamper myself. Soon I’ll be six months gone and this could be the last point where I get to walk like a semi-normal person,” Dina sighed expressively as they reached her door. “Soon my days will be spent waddling around so I’ll enjoy myself while I can.”

“That’s why I’m here,” Samuel said, flashing a grin as he gently gave her a push into her room. “Now wear your best knockout look – and no more of that cloudy expression. Remember, that beautiful smile of yours is the perfect finish to any outfit so it better be making its appearance a whole lot tonight.”

“You enjoy bossing me around, don’t you? I can already tell the baby takes a lot after you, judging by how he’s already started to make his opinion known with some well-aimed kicks,” Dina teased with a grumpy pout, but she was smiling with pleasure as she shut the door and then headed for her closet.

When she emerged half an hour later, she stood before Samuel, who was equally already prepared. The way he looked at her in her demure gray knee-skimming dress made her breathless from the impression he was mentally taking her hard against the wall.

Not that she minded at all. It was gratifying to feel his desire, what with her being confined to maternity clothes of late and her bump growing bigger and bigger. Tonight, she’d definitely made more of an effort and thankfully it had the desired effect. Her dress was super chic and cut to flatter her extra curves, and in her updo was a sparkly headband in the spirit of being fun and flirty.
