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“No thanks necessary, when it was what I wanted. I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to you.”

Dina’s smile wavered a little. Of course, Samuel was worried about the baby as much as anything else. She wouldn’t put his caring down to any amorous feelings where she was concerned.

“And before you think this has to do with any sense of obligation, I’ll have you know that’s not the case,” Samuel said as if correctly reading her mind. “There’s no way I’d go this far unless I meant it from the heart. There’s nothing I want more than to see you and the baby happy and doing well.”

“I know,” she said, with a brightened smile, though her heart felt a strange jolt. Why did she have this fixation for defining every single thing Samuel said or did? Had she started to have feelings for him that she shouldn’t, and as such was beginning to need and wish for more?

Dina focused on ensuring the dinner ended on a happy note. Now that they’d aired their inmost sentiments it felt like a wall had crumbled away between them.

They returned home in high spirits from all the good food and fresh air. Samuel walked Dina to her wing and she noticed he hadn’t let go of her hand ever since he helped her out of her car, like he did the first night she visited.

At her door, he smiled and thanked her for the wonderful evening. “This was supposed to be about you having fun, but it was just as enjoyable for me and even more.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it lightly. “I’m glad we got to talk. I feel we’ll sleep much better now that we’ve cleared the air on most things. Goodnight, Dina.”

He backed away and slowly began to release her hand, their arms outstretched between them as Dina could tell he was as unwilling to let go as she was. At the last moment when his grasp would have split from hers, Dina fastened her hold on his fingertips.

Suddenly the air around them went very, very still.

Staring into his eyes, Dina registered his look of surprise, before it slowly brightened in a flash of heat and expectation – even lust. God, when was the last time I let myself give in to that panty-squelching look?

Tonight, she was going to have to – or her raging hormones would never forgive her.

If only it was about some tension-relieving sex, Dina would have been okay with it. However, it went deeper than just sex for her, and she definitely wasn’t okay with that, but she couldn’t say no to what she needed. Slowly, she closed the gap between them and leaned on tiptoe till their lips were level.

“Dina,” he said huskily, shadows of danger and desire darkening his eyes in warning. Dina wasn’t to be scared off though.

I want you, she wanted to say out loud, but her courage didn’t reach so far. Instead, it propelled her to touch her lips to the side of his mouth, a tantalizing brush of a petal-like kiss.

She pulled back to look into his eyes again, and knew he’d read the invitation there when he suddenly took charge like she couldn’t dare to. With a groan, he grabbed her shoulders gently and planted his mouth firmly over hers in hot, moist possession.

A lot of things had changed since the last time they were in a bedroom together. Now that Dina was expecting, she felt nervous to have sex but the doctor had assured her it was perfectly safe for the baby for her to do so. Now as she pulled Samuel into the bedroom with her, she felt she’d also gained more confidence sexually than she had before.

And when he began to touch her, she realized she’d got even more sensitive everywhere, making the pleasure and the acts way more intense.

Samuel undressed her slowly, like he was unwrapping a treasure. Dina had never felt more womanly and desirable than she did right then. She also found she could barely keep her hands off Samuel now that she’d got him in her bedroom.

Where had this highly sexed Dina sprung from? She couldn’t wait to get him naked, yet was ready to be patient, seeing as he wanted to take things slow. Which was probably for her benefit, but she wished she had the nerve to tell him not to hold back so much. Maybe later, she would… For now though, she liked the tender Samuel with the slow, profound touch.

Once he got her naked, Samuel couldn’t tear his eyes from the feast he’d revealed. Her pregnant body was perfection. Her rich honey skin was flawless and glowing, her body still fit yet blooming with her beautiful bump and fuller breasts. Large and tear-drop shaped, they were upturned and capped with fat and hard chocolate nipples that begged to be sucked.

It was the first time he’d seen her like this since the first time they’d made love, and she was mouthwatering. Her sex was smooth and plump between her thighs, and when he looked up the flirtatious look in her gorgeous brown eyes made him groan.
