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The drinks began to flow, along with the male attention, and she watched the other girls get into the spirit of play. Not ready to brave the dance floor yet, Dina was happy to just people watch for now. She was hanging around having a drink with Iliana when an arresting figure emerged from the crowd.

Dina hadn’t noticed him before and guessed he’d only just arrived. Judging by how much attention he instantly garnered, she could tell he was someone important.

He towered over those around him, at least six two and every inch of him groomed to perfection. From his fantastic hair, to his impeccable suit to his finely-shod feet, he was serious James Bond material – if Dina was into that type of thing. However, she couldn’t deny he was superhot, all blond hair and blue eyes with a tall, muscular build to match.

It didn’t surprise her that he soon made his way over to their section of the club. Iliana had seen Dina staring at him and had said he was the host of the party, so he was obviously making the rounds. What Dina hadn’t expected on meeting him in person was the jolt of attraction that sparked between them.

Iliana was the one who made introductions, since she’d made his acquaintance in the past. His voice was as streamlined as the rest of him and dripping with high breeding and something else Dina couldn’t define—something that stirred a long-forgotten sensation in the pit of her stomach. He offered his hand and she placed hers in it, feeling an instant electric charge. His deep blue eyes narrowed for a moment, but his touch didn’t linger as he let go after a brief, firm shake.

Iliana struck up animated chatter with him. Apparently, she had an interest in one of his close friends and wasn’t abashed about seeking information about him from Samuel. Dina buried her nose in her glass and tried not to seek his compelling gaze, her chest feeling a tightness as she sensed his gaze on her.

How the devil had she thought he wasn’t her type? Within five minutes, she was so aware of him as a male it was incredible. At almost twenty-four, her experience with men was somewhat limited yet she was no wide-eyed virgin. What was it about Samuel Franklin that got to her so much?

Samuel had the same thoughts about the intriguing beauty close to him. Why couldn’t he seem to keep his eyes off her? With so many other women vying for his attention, the one female who’d barely bothered to exchange a few words with him was the one he couldn’t ignore.

Her looks were more than eye-catching. With light brown skin, long straight dark hair and deep brown eyes, she was tall as a model and thin yet busty. Finding out she was indeed a model seemed something of a drawback, yet his interest could not be so easily deterred. Despite his promise to himself to avoid the allure of the vain, flighty types too absorbed in their own looks and appeal, he couldn’t keep from making his move.

Samuel wanted her alone without anyone else distracting them. Seeing any other man flirting with her set his teeth on edge. He couldn’t understand this feeling of protectiveness. Could it be the innocence he saw in her eyes as she took in the loud, swirling scene around them? There was so much energy in the music, laughter and lights of the club and it was enough to get swept away. Only, Samuel was caught up in only her and nothing else.

He kept wanting her to look at him and acknowledge the crackling chemistry that had sprung between them from the first moment. Yet there was always someone trying to get his attention. As host, he very well couldn’t simply disregard his functions. An hour passed before he knew it, but he had no wish to leave though after all the circulating and socializing he’d done so far, it wouldn’t be amiss if he slipped out.

Samuel wasn’t about to make a getaway though, not without first talking to his caramel beauty.

So where is she?

He’d shifted attention from her for barely a few minutes, and now he couldn’t find her. He scanned the crowded club, filled with a diverse group from around the globe. The club attracted the most vibrant and trendy crowd and normally this would be his kind of environment with the young, adoring public vying for even a moment of his time. Now he just wanted it all to slip away so that she could be revealed to him.

But he couldn’t find her. Was it possible she’d left so soon? He heaved a sigh of relief when he spotted Iliana among two of her model friends. Iliana shook her head and shrugged, saying she hadn’t seen Dina.

Dina. Even her name sent an itch through him, making his nerve tingle. He emitted a soft curse, damning himself for keeping his distance when he should have shown her his interest. Most women threw themselves in his path. Instead, his beautiful honey blossom had taken flight, fading into the mist and leaving Samuel with an irrational sense of loss. If he ever had the chance to meet her again, he’d never make the error of playing things cool, and just…
