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Was it just a few hours ago that Dina had looked over the heads of the crowd and saw the towering form of the handsome, blue-eyed stranger with the impeccable clothes and dangerous charm? Now they were riding off in the back of his limo, and Dina could barely remember how she’d got there.

She remembered her friends leaving, and then Samuel taking hold of her hand again, with his touch feeling somehow warmer, more intimate. He may have spoken to a few other people in preparation for his departure. Dina felt the envious eyes of the other females, and her confidence soared to see how proud Samuel was of her. He didn’t care who saw how possessively he kept her by his side. Even when she’d begged off to go to the ladies’ room, he’d given a curt shake of his head. “We’ll be leaving soon.”

Just those words had her heart rate accelerating. Each passing moment was bringing her closer to that point of no return.

In the charged silence of the car, she took the chance to stealthily send him a longing glace. His wavy blond hair, untamed in an effortless way that was so sexy…

And that voice of his. Deep, husky with just a hint of twang that was both seductive and comforting at the same time…Mmmm.

Dina must have moaned aloud without realizing it because Samuel suddenly turned to glace her way, his sexy lips tilted in a smirk. “I know, baby. Believe me, I know.”

Somehow, Dina knew he indeed understood. How frightened yet empowered she felt right now, even though she was heading into the unknown. To her pleasure, he took her hand and pressed her knuckles up to his lips, his thick, enviably long lashes resting on his sleek cheekbones.

Dina rested her head against the lush seat, never shifting her gaze from his arresting face. And like that, she drifted off, getting lost in a dream that felt cushiony, like the sensation of his lips on her skin. Warm and sensuous, thrilling.

When she awoke, they’d arrived at a stately mansion, well lit and imposingly beautiful. The light snooze had rested her but she felt her pulse race ahead again when Samuel held out a hand to help her out.

Dina didn’t hesitate before stepping out, though her legs were undeniably shaky. She stumbled on her feet but Samuel caught her up easily in his powerful arms. Dina clutched his lapels, staring wide-eyed up at him.

He had something close to a pained look on his face as her body curved against his instinctively. He cupped her cheeks, locking those gleaming eyes on her features. “Flawless. I’m almost worried you’ll break, honey girl.”

“I…” Dina shook her head, not sure how to go on. “Before anything really happens, I wanted you to know…I’m not really the kind of woman…I don’t…” She exhaled with impatience at her own inarticulateness.

“You think I don’t see that?” Samuel growled and drew her lowered chin up again so she had to meet his glowing eyes. Samuel didn’t need her to tell him she was different. Her fresh and unpracticed persona distinguished her from the kind of women he usually hooked up with. He most especially liked her blend of innocence and daring.

He believed he was indeed very infatuated with her already. There was just something in the whole package: her perfectly oval face, her light brown skin with the natural golden glow reflecting beneath, and her deliciously proportioned body – but it wasn’t all physical. It was the way he felt when he looked at her, talked with her and had a giddy rush just being close to her.

Yes, Samuel definitely could see she wasn’t the kind of girl to jump into casual escapades with a perfect stranger. She was quite young, at least younger than his twenty-seven years. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to do every unspeakable thing his mind had been thinking of doing since they’d first met and he’d shaken her hand. He’d felt her soft, dainty fingers as they were swallowed in his, and his dominant beast had reared up in an instant discernment that hollered, Mine.

He was about to make that long-awaited wish a reality.


What do you want, Dina?

Anything you want.

Good answer, honey girl. You’re a natural at this, aren’t you? You can tell who’s in charge.

The conversation came as if from inside a dream. Dina couldn’t even take in her surroundings when Samuel had let them into the house minutes earlier. The moment the door closed after them he’d backed her several steps till she was up against the glass window that ran the whole wall. The room was unlit, with the lights from the outside spilling in and illuminating them in equal shadow and brightness. Samuel kissed her like one starved. Dina closed her eyes and gave in instantly.

This was just what they both needed. Dina wasn’t looking for sensitive or soft right now. She loved his hunger and fire, his hands roaming her body with gruff entitlement. Her fingers reached up to grip his hair, her lips parting wide to take his thrusting, heated tongue.
