Page 158 of Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)

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“Hey.” I sip my scotch. “Man, I need a huge favour.”

“What is it?” Seb asks.

“Can you go to the shops for me in the morning and buy me a king-size orthopaedic mattress and get it delivered to my place by tomorrow?”

“Erm, why?”

“Because Charlotte is coming over tomorrow night and I have meetings all day tomorrow. I’m snowed under with crap over here.”

“What the fuck do you need a new mattress for?”

“I can’t have Charlotte sleeping on that mattress.”

“Why not?”

“Do you know how many women I’ve had in that bed?” I whisper angrily as I try to keep my voice down.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he snaps. “You’re being ridiculous. She won’t know.”

“I’ll know. I need a new fucking mattress. I won’t have her sleeping in it.”

“What the fuck is happening to you?”

“I don’t know!” I snap. “Just do it.”

“Why don’t you get one of your PAs to do this shit for you?”

“Oh, yeah, like I can say, Can you get me a new mattress so my new girlfriend won’t have to sleep on my sex-stained old one? You just don’t say that shit to your personal assistant, Sebastian.”

He chuckles. “Spence, you’re the most fucking ridiculous man I know.”

I smirk at the sound of his laugh. “Right?”

“This is like the Princess and the Pea fairy tale.”

I roll my eyes and sip my scotch. “Yeah, and the fucking villain is about to come home. Paps photographed us together today.”

“You reckon the old man’s coming home to cut your balls off?”

“Without a doubt.”

“Ha. The fun’s about to begin. I’ll get popcorn.”

“Can you help me tomorrow or not?” I sigh.

“Why do I get to do all your shitty jobs when you have staffing of four-hundred?”

I smile broadly. “Perks of being my best friend.”

“Stop sucking up, asshole.”

I sip my scotch. “What have you been doing, anyway?”

“Angela called me today.” I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. “No. Get that shit out of your fucking head… right now.”

He laughs. “I knew you’d love that one.”

Angela is his ex-wife’s sister. She’s a widow with kids, and Seb has had a
