Page 30 of Mr Spencer (Mr. 2)

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“Nope. She told me she was a virgin and I freaked out like a fucking baby, and then she kicked me out.”

Masters stares at me. “You did what?”

I shake my head. “I can’t deal with that kind of pressure, man. I can’t even be monogamous to one woman for more than a week.” I pinch the bridge of my nose.

Seb nods. “That’s a truth.”

Masters frowns at me, not saying a word.

“We had dinner and then went back to her house. Before we got inside, I had words with her fucking security guard.”

“She has a security guard?” Masters asks.

“Yeah, and I reckon he is sweet on her. He was way too invested.” I pause as I remember the look on Wyatt’s face. “Once I got rid of him, we got busy and I told her we should fuck. That’s when she told me she was a virgin.”

Our breakfasts arrive to a table filled with silence.

I pick up my knife and fork.

“Fuck me,” Seb eventually whispers. “Why does this shit never fucking happen to me?” He slaps his forehead. “I would give my left fucking nut to have a virgin.”

Masters chuckles. “Right?” He cuts into his toast. “Imagine how hot the sex would be.”

They both smile darkly.

“Stop it.” I groan. “Don’t even think about sex with her.” I point my knife at Sebastian. “You go near her and I’ll fucking kill you.”

The two of them chuckle in unison.

“Jesus Christ, calm down.” Seb laughs.

I run my both hands through my hair. “This woman has got me going fucking crazy.”

“So, do something about it.”

“I can’t fuck her!” I snap. “You don’t just fuck a girl like Charlotte.”

“No, you don’t.” Seb shakes his head. “You fuck her, you marry her. Hands down, one-hundred percent.”

I begin to perspire. “See?” I point my knife at them. “I can’t get married.”

“Why not?” Masters frowns.

“Because, I’ve seen the hell you two have been through and I’m not wired to be with just one woman.”

“I didn’t think I was either,” Masters says.

“What made you change?” I ask.

He shrugs. “I didn’t want anyone else touching me but her.”

I stare at him.

“And I didn’t want to touch anybody else. It stopped being just about the sex and more about when I got to spend time alone with her.”

I shake my head in disgust and look at Seb. “See, this is what I’m talking about. Nothing good can come of this.” I bite my food off my fork with force. “You’re pathetic, by the way, Masters.”

He nods. “I get it, Spence. Run. Run the fuck away now.”
