Page 14 of Stealing Her Heart

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I roll out of bed and sneak up on the bathroom door. Just as she asks what she stole, I pounce on her from behind, wrapping my arms around her waist and lifting her in the air. She squeals and bats at my forearms.

“What did you steal?” I ask. Then I point at my chest. “My heart,” I say in a sappy voice.

She slaps my arm. “That’s stupidly corny, but you’re stupidly gorgeous, so I’ll let it slide.”

I slap her ass and head back into the room to pull on some clothes. As I do so, I take a moment to pause. Draw in a deep breath. Really appreciate the moment. Seeing Hailey in the bathroom getting ready builds up this warmth inside me. But it also translates to my cock stiffening up at the sight.

Maybe after breakfast we can get a room at the Ritz. Pick up where we just left off. Because while it might have sounded corny, I was telling the truth. I’m wild about this girl. And she has absolutely stolen my heart.
