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Savannah had been working in New York City first as a model and then an actress on a soap opera for several years before giving it up and returning to LA. She’d put her career on pause when she’d become pregnant and married Melody’s brother Rafe. Now, two years, one baby boy and a deceased husband later, Savannah had accepted a supporting role in a movie and married Melody’s other brother, Trent.

“I imagine I’d have a hard time giving up singing now that I’ve gotten a taste for it.” Was that a choice she was going to have to make? She could name several women with huge music careers and families.

“Maybe you won’t have to. I’m sure you and Kyle can work something out.”

Would Kyle expect her to stay close to home? Before going out with Nate and Free Fall she’d never imagined herself a big star. And it would take a lot of hard work and personal sacrifice to get there. Was she ready for that?

“It’s going to be a lot more complicated now that I’m having a baby. I guess if I tour, I’m gonna have to go for shorter periods of time.”

The thought of being on the road and tearing apart her daughter and Kyle even for a few months made her queasy. And what if he sued her for partial custody and it was her separated from her baby. Her thoughts returned to his proposal. It had been more practical than romantic and so unlike him. While they’d been dating and even after she’d moved in, he showered dozens of sweet gestures on her.

It was why she’d thought he’d sent the roses. She’d been shaking with excitement as she opened the card. That it hadn’t been signed by him had snatched away her delight for the briefest of seconds. He’d given her roses before, although his romantic style was more low-key and subtle. A handwritten note stuffed among her lingerie. A case of her favorite bottled water delivered to her while on tour.

Kyle made his feelings for her known in practical ways. The biggest one being how he supported her career and acted as a buffer between her and her father. She didn’t need big drama to prove how much he cared for her.

But wouldn’t it be nice if the baby basket was from him?

“Something showed up on my doorstep today,” Melody said, “and I was wondering if you or Trent had anything to do with it.”

“I didn’t, but Trent might have. What was it?”

“A basket of baby things. There was no card. I thought maybe...” Melody felt foolish.

“Kyle must’ve sent it. No one else beside us knows that you’re pregnant, right?”

“I said something to a couple people at the studio.” Melody relaxed. Maybe Mia had organized something and sent the gift. But why no card?

“That is very nice of them. Now I feel bad that Trent and I haven’t done anything for you.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Melody said, gazing around the beautiful guesthouse. “You’ve been supportive and Trent is letting me stay here rent-free.”

“You know you’re welcome to stay as long as you need.” Savannah’s voice took on a note of concern. “Now that Kyle knows about the baby, have you thought about moving back in with him? Not that we want you to go, we just want you two back the way you were.”

“We talked about it a little.” Melody hu

ffed out a laugh. “In fact he proposed. Before you get all excited, I turned him down.”

“Why? You love him and you’re having his baby.”

But did he love her in return?

“It was more in the vein of hey, you’re pregnant, we should make it legal. He hadn’t thought it through. And before he found out about the baby he was pretty clear he thought we should break up.”

“That’s not the impression I got.”

“He jumped to the conclusion I was cheating on him based on a paparazzi photo,” Melody reminded her. “He’s known me over ten years. He should’ve realized I would never start one relationship without ending another.”

“You sort of started something with him while you were dating Hunter.”

“We were pretending. Our feelings might’ve gotten out of hand, but Kyle and I never kissed or did anything that crossed the line.”

“I think he loves you and doesn’t know how to handle such strong feelings. His dad is such a control freak. Kyle never really had a chance to be open and intimate with anyone before you came along.”

“I know. He was an emotional fortress. Still is sometimes.” Most of the time, Melody thought, wishing she’d stayed in LA and nurtured their fledgling relationship instead of taking off for nine months. “Some of it is his dad. Some of it is the women he met when he was a ballplayer. They wanted the lifestyle his money could provide. When we first started dating and I was trying to get him to open up, he often mentioned that they were disingenuous. He didn’t know who he could trust.”

“Well, he knows he can trust you,” Savannah said. “Oh, dear, looks like my boys need me. Give Kyle our love and you stay strong. And if you ever figure out who gave you the basket, let me know.”

Melody hung up with Savannah and stared at the phone for a few minutes before dialing Kyle’s number. Maybe it was time she stopped making excuses for keeping him at arm’s length and start figuring out if they had a future.
