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“Penny for your thoughts?” Ryan asked, suddenly by her side. She’d been so engrossed in thought, she hadn’t seen him wander over.

“Just thinking about how so much has changed,” Jessie said, glancing up at him from underneath her lashes. “You, especially.”

A large grin spread across his incredibly full lips. Why hadn’t she noticed how divine they were before? “Me? I’m the same Ryan you’ve always known.”

Jessie shook her head. “I beg to differ. You’re different.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

She smiled. “No, it’s a great thing.”

He regarded her silently for a moment, as if weighing his options. “Care to dance?”

r />

“I would love to.”

Any thoughts she had evaporated the moment Ryan pulled her against him. Jessie felt...well, sort of strange because they’d never danced together. Maybe when they were little and had been playing around. In his arms now, Jessie felt acutely aware of her body and the way her breasts crushed against Ryan’s chest.

Raw masculine heat radiated from his close proximity, causing her heart to flutter uncontrollably. And when Ryan pressed his body against hers and slid his thigh between the softness of hers, Jessie nearly lost it. This was Ryan. It wasn’t right she should be feeling these things...but she did.

He smelled so good. Felt so good. When he wound his arms around her waist, Jessie wanted to reach up on her tiptoes and sweep her lips across his. What was wrong with her? Ryan was her friend, but he didn’t feel like a friend. She glanced up and peered into his eyes. He didn’t look at her like one, either.

His ebony gaze raked over her face, his eyes trained on her mouth. He was going to kiss her. And she wanted him to. Desperately. She wanted to feel his lips crushed against her own, only then might it slake the hunger growing deep in her belly. She licked her lips in anticipation and watched Ryan’s eyes grow dark with desire.

He wound his fingers through her shoulder-length bob, bringing her face to his.


“Tell me you don’t want me to kiss you,” he taunted.

Jessie opened her mouth to say no, but she couldn’t get the word out. And it would be a lie because she did want Ryan’s kiss. She closed her eyes, preparing herself for an unforgettable kiss, when suddenly there was commotion behind them.

Startled, Jessie glanced over Ryan’s shoulder to see Hugh saunter into the ballroom amid much fanfare.

Hugh was her dream guy—all six feet of him. With his classic good looks, she’d been in love with him since she was a teenager. Wavy jet-black hair cut just above the neck, piercing blue eyes, a sculpted face and a square jaw encompassed by day-old stubble made Hugh O’Malley Falling Brook’s hottest catch. He was the man she was supposed to marry.

The tailored white tuxedo he wore fit him handsomely, but he’d always looked good in a suit. The fact he was there was a big deal considering he hadn’t been back to the States for months. Everyone at Falling Brook Prep had loved Hugh and she’d been no exception. So why had she been falling over her onetime best friend?

Jessie immediately pushed against Ryan’s chest and stepped a few inches away.

“What is it?” he asked and then swiveled in the direction of her gaze. His expression turned from sexy and slumberous to irritated. Ryan glanced back at Jessie. “Now that Hugh is here, the party’s over?”


He held up his hand. “It’s okay. I was only a stand-in until the man you really wanted came along. If you’ll excuse me...”

He didn’t make it far because Hugh blocked his path. “Well, if it isn’t Ryan Hathaway. How are you, man?”


Ryan tried to move past him but Hugh wasn’t budging. Instead, he wrapped an arm around Jessie’s shoulders. “Thanks for keeping my lady occupied until I could get here. My flight got delayed. It was a real bear traveling from London. How’s my Jess?” He bent down and kissed her on the forehead.

Jessie glanced over at Ryan, who was fuming at her. “I’m...uh, good.” She felt like a total heel to have her boyfriend in front of her when two seconds ago she’d been lusting after Ryan.

“I’m going to mingle.” Ryan, not waiting for a response, made a hasty retreat.

Jessie watched him leave, feeling incredibly guilty for leading him on. If Hugh hadn’t arrived...
