Page 20 of The Rogue's Fortune

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“So you say.”

“So I mean.” Elizabeth made sure he recognized the firm determination in her expression before she continued. “I won’t deny you are exactly the type I used to go for, but those days are behind me. All I want now is to become a mother and excel as an event planner. I’m done with romance.” With men, she added silently.

“Pity.” Half-lidded, his striking eyes perused her body with sensual intensity. “I have plans for you.”

“What?” A startled laugh escaped her at his bluntness. Her skin tingled as if he’d touched her. The sensation delighted her even as her mind scolded her for succumbing to his flirtation. “What sort of plans?” She winced at the husky timber of her voice. Damn the man for being so appealing.

A slow, predatory grin curved his chiseled lips. “Why don’t you stick around after the party and I’ll give you a preview.”

Wicked man.

“Why don’t you just tell me now.”

“Because a demonstration is worth a thousand words,” he quipped. “And I think we would scandalize this staid group if I showed you what I had in mind for you.”

“You seem pretty sure of yourself.” Stop flirting with the man. “What if I’m immune to your charm?”

He brushed his fingertips down her bare arm, thumb grazing the side of her breast. She gasped. Her nipples hardened in anticipation.

“Are you?”

A ragged breath escaped her. “Apparently parts of me are not.”

“It’s those parts I’m interested in.” He bent his head and kissed her cheek, his lips gentle and cooler than her overheated skin.

She was in trouble if he could set fire to her with nothing more than a series of provocative declarations. “And here I thought you wanted me for my keen mind.”

“I like my women well-rounded.”

Before she could reply to his double entendre they were approached by George Cromwell and his wife, Bunny. Despite knowing that impressing the socialite would help open doors in the future, Elizabeth had a hard time focusing on the impeccably dressed woman as she congratulated them on their engagement. Roark’s right palm rested on her hip, his fingers cupping her curves possessively. His solid presence bathed her left side in warmth. Relaxing into his strength would be the easiest thing in the world. Her body was already melting against the hard planes of his muscular frame.

“What a beautiful ring,” Bunny exclaimed, giving Elizabeth’s hand a little turn so she could admire the diamond. She shot Roark a questioning look. “A family heirloom?”

“Only the diamond. It came from my grandmother’s wedding ring. Elizabeth is a modern woman,” he said, bestowing a wry smile on her. “I knew she would prefer a modern setting.”

“A blend of old and new.” Bunny nodded in complete understanding. “It’s perfect.”

As the conversation shifted to the inevitable questions of whether they’d set a wedding date and where they intended to marry, Elizabeth dodged specifics as best she could and smiled up at Roark, all the while hiding her dismay at the deception she’d allowed herself to become entangled in.

Roark must have sensed her disquiet because he gave her a gentle squeeze and kissed her cheek. “You’re doing great,” he murmured.

A second earlier she’d been ready to break free and run screaming from the room. With his words, some of her anxiety eased. And permitted her to notice a disastrous sensation. Delight. She hummed with it. Deep inside her, where an abundance of foolish inclinations frolicked, she was giddy over Roark’s attentiveness and swamped with the longing to feel his strong hands roam over her body.

Her mind rebelled. This was the exact sort of thing she needed to guard against. Easier said than done.

After the party, when all the guests had departed and the catering crew had cleaned up and left, Elizabeth stood in the middle of the living room and told her racing heart to slow down. Every fond glance Roark had sent her way for the benefit of the board members had carried a sensual promise with it. Even from the opposite end of the room, she’d been caressed by his intent.

“Alone at last,” he said, coming up behind her. His fingertips drew a line of goose bumps down her arm. His breath slipped warm and provocative against her neck.

“I think the party was a success.” Was that her voice sounding all breathy and turned on?

“We achieved what we set out to do. The Waverly’s board knows that beauty has tamed the beast.”

Despite the way his fingers wandered along her waist with turbulent results, Elizabeth managed a chuckle. “I think I’d characterize you more like the big bad wolf.”

He spun her around so abruptly, her mouth dropped open in a startled huff.

“Prepare to be gobbled up.”
