Page 65 of The Rogue's Fortune

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Here in his mother’s bedroom, surrounded by her things, he’d discovered something. He was no longer the boy who’d run away to join the marines because he needed adventure. He was the man who had found the adventure of a lifetime in the woman he held in his arms.

“Oh, I think this one will.” She drew her finger between his brows, exploring the frown her words had produced. “What’s the one thing you dread more than anything else in the world?”

“Until four days ago, I would have said being tied down to a place and responsible for another person’s happiness.”

She nodded sagely. “I’m pregnant.”

Joy hit him square in the chest. “Congratulations.”

“Congratulations?” She gaped at him, so obviously expecting him to be horrified because she was pregnant with his child.

“Well, yes.” He cocked his head and searched her expression. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

The heel of her hand collided with his chest and she levered herself off his lap. “It’s what I wanted. Not what you wanted.”

“I want you to be happy.” And all he’d done lately was upset her. “You are happy, aren’t you?”

“How can an intelligent man like you be so dense?”

Easily, the blood had evacuated his brain and settled in his groin. Even now with her indigo eyes flashing danger signals at him and her unconfined breasts moving with distracting enticement beneath her blouse, his craving for her increased.

“Come sit down.” He patted his thighs. “And I’ll explain it to you.”

Her eyes widened as her gaze trailed up his thighs and found him fully aroused. Her cheek color deepened, but when he held out his hand to her, she backed up.

“You aren’t listening.” She pointed at her stomach. “You’re going to be a father.”

His entire life he’d dreaded those six words. And now that he’d heard them? Now that the six words had turned his world upside down? The freedom he cherished: in jeopardy. The career he lived for: too dangerous. The woman he loved: bound to him forever. Life had never been more perfect.

She hadn’t moved far enough away to escape his reach. All Roark had to do was lean forward and catch her wrist. Before the gasp passed her lips she was back on his lap, imprisoned by his arms.

Roark eyed her solemnly. “Are you okay about this?”

“Am I okay?” She stared at him as if he’d lost his mind. “Are you okay?”

“Very okay.”

Before he could demonstrate exactly how okay he was, she stopped his lips from reaching hers by turning her head. “You have to know I don’t expect anything from you.”

“Oh, surely you have some expectations.” He seized her earlobe between his teeth to distract her from the fact that he was steadily unbuttoning her blouse.

She shook her head. “I planned from the start to be a single mom. Nothing has changed.”

“You have no job.” The last button gave way. Pushing the edges of her blouse aside, he spanned her flat stomach with his hand and marveled at the life growing beneath. “No money.”

“Sonya Fremont offered me the gala.” She covered his hand with hers. “Other projects will come up.”

“And how will you live in the meantime?”

“I’ll do kids’ birthday parties.” She grimaced. “Weddings if I have to. Whatever it takes.”

“And run yourself ragged in the process. You have more than yourself to worry about now. There’s the baby to consider.”

She scowled at him. “You don’t think I know that?”

“Have you thought about what’s going to happen after the baby’s born? Are you going to take time off? Your apartment is barely big enough for you. What happens when the baby comes along?”

“Everything will work out fine.” Her eyes glinted with confidence. “I’m not worried.”
