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From behind her came Siggy’s smooth voice. “Dylan stays.”

Savannah fought down panic. “We’re both leaving.”

For a span of several heartbeats, no one moved. Then the front door opened and Trent stepped inside.

* * *

Trent left the front door open as he crossed the expansive foyer. The man barring Savannah’s path had two inches and thirty pounds on Trent, but he didn’t see this as a problem.

He looked into Savannah’s eyes and hoped she’d follow his lead. “We have a plane to catch. And you know how the traffic is.”

“Yes, of course.” Her gaze searched his.

“She’s not going anywhere.” Siggy actually appeared to think he could get away with compelling Savannah to stay by bullying her.

“That’s not true,” Savannah stated, her relief obvious. She took the hand Trent held out to her and came to stand beside him. “Dylan and I were trying to leave, but your father was threatening me.”

“Is that true?”

Siggy didn’t answer Trent’s question but instead asked one of his own. “So you’re cheating on your husband with him?”

“Rafe is dead. She can’t cheat on his memory.”

“And it’s no business of yours who I’m with.” Savannah shook her head. “Trent is family and he’s helping me. Something you should be doing.”

“Neither one of you is going to get anywhere near the company again.”

“Dylan owns a majority share. That means I’m in control until he turns twenty-one. You have nothing to say about it.”

“It’s my company. I built it. I have everything to say about it.”

“Not unless you buy the shares back.”

“I don’t have to buy the shares back,” Siggy said, his eyes burning with malice. “All I need is control of my grandson.”

Beside him, Savannah stiffened. Trent stepped forward. “Do not threaten her.”

Siggy sneered. “Or what?”

Trent wasn’t a reckless teenager anymore, but his father continued to treat him with contempt. Since striking out to make it on his own, Trent was less and less bothered by his father’s low opinion. He’d come to accept that no matter how successful he was, nothing diminished Siggy’s disapproval.

“Try me and see.” Trent gave his father a cold smile, set his hand on Savannah’s back and guided her toward the front door.

She was trembling as they crossed from the cold foyer into the bright afternoon sunshine, but as they headed across the driveway to her car, she released a shaky smile.


“I’ve never been so happy to see anybody in my entire life.”

“That’s probably not something you would’ve said yesterday.”

She opened her car’s back door and settled Dylan into his seat. “You might be surprised.”

Trent waited for her to say more, but she simply buckled her son in and closed the door. At last she faced him, and her gorgeous smile hit him like a two-by-four. Unfortunately it was gone as fast as it had arrived.

“I don’t have to tell you how frightening that was. He wants to take Dylan away from me.”

“You need to contact a lawyer and get ahead of this.”
