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“You look happy,” he said, keeping his voice low as he approached. Today he wore a pair of khaki pants and a white polo that brought out his tan. His blue eyes flicked toward Dylan’s crib. “I think Vegas agrees with you.”

“I think what agrees with me is feeling safe for the first time since Rafe died and I found out how bad our financial situation really was.”

“It’s going to be okay.”

She studied his features and felt reassured by his sincerity. “Can you tell me what you found out about the business?”

“It’s as you expected. The financials are not in good shape. They haven’t been paying their artists everything they’re owed. One or two probably won’t sign another contract.”

“What can we do?”

“West Coast Records has several strong artists. But there are too many who’ve done nothing. It’s not their fault. They weren’t well managed. A few of them could be kept on, provided their next albums are better produced.”

“But who’s going to do that? I don’t know anything about the music side of things. I might be able to run the business side with help, but when it comes right down to it, the label needs someone like you who can do both.”

“I know what you’re thinking, but it’s not going to happen. My father will never allow me to take over the company.”

“Not even if you can save it from going under?”

“From the correspondence between him, Gerry and Rafe, Siggy doesn’t believe the company is in trouble.”

“How is that possible? Surely even if Rafe kept how bad it was from him, Gerry would have told Siggy the truth.”

“And been the one to shatter the old man’s vision of his perfect firstborn son?”

Savannah heard the bitterness in Trent’s voice. No matter what he said to the contrary, it still stung that his father showed him so little respect.

“Besides,” Trent continued, “Gerry has had his own agenda these past couple of years.”

Not liking the sound of that, Savannah asked, “What sort of agenda?”

“Some of the company’s troubles stem from Gerry’s embezzling.”

“Embezzling?” Savannah shook her head, unable to believe what she was hearing.

“Apparently he’s been stealing money from the company for years. He’s been in the perfect position to steal and hide it. I’m sure as years went on and he wasn’t caught he grew bolder. And when he was passed over for CEO in favor of Rafe, he probably figured he’d get whatever he could and get out.”

“What do we do? Do we call the police?”

“Unfortunately Gerry is a lot cleverer than my father ever gave him credit for. Not only did he steal money, he made it look as if Rafe took it. Only by digging into Gerry’s finances was Logan able to find out that Gerry’s spending outpaced his salary and bonuses.”

Savannah’s hopes plummeted. Nothing they’d found helped her situation. The company was likely on the verge of bankruptcy and so was she.

“Come on,” Trent said, stripping off his shirt as he headed toward the pool house. “Let’s go for a swim.”

When she’d packed for Vegas the first time, she hadn’t planned to be vacationing. “I don’t have a suit.”

The most she’d done in the last few days was to wade in the shallow end of the pool so that she could let Dylan frolic in the water. Given how hot the last few days had been, this hadn’t been satisfying, but she’d been reluctant to venture off the property and go shopping for herself.

“I keep all sorts of suits in the pool house,” Trent replied, disappearing into the building. Less than a minute later, he was back wearing swim trunks, his glorious chest and abs bare to the sun. “Try one of these.”

It did not surprise Savannah one bit that the bikinis Trent held up were on the tiny side. “I don’t suppose you have a one-piece in there somewhere.”

He shook his head. “The last thing you need is a one-piece. You have a gorgeous body. You should show it off.”

She’d had a gorgeous body. Now she carried a little extra weight on her hips and knew Trent liked his girls lean and fit. Almost as soon as the thought arrived, she dismissed it. What did it matter how Trent liked his women? She wasn’t one of them. With a heartfelt sigh, Savannah got to her feet and took the bikinis Trent held out.

“I know he’s sleeping, but could you keep an eye on Dylan while I change?”
