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“Thank you.”

To her surprise, she felt a flutter of excitement in her chest. She’d connected working as an actress with living in LA. Savannah had opened her eyes to other possibilities. If she worked in film, she might go on location anywhere in the world. Lots of actresses balanced children and careers. No reason why she couldn’t.

“I’ll bet Trent would like it if you stuck around Las Vegas.”

“Once we get things sorted out with the company, I’m not sure he’ll notice if I stick around or not.” But was she being honest with herself or was this another attempt to protect herself from getting hurt again?

“You don’t believe that.” Scarlett regarded her somberly. “When my sisters got involved with JT and Ashton, I knew before anyone else that they belonged together. I get the same vibe when I look at you and Trent.”

Savannah shook her head. “You’ve seen us together for less than a minute. How could you possibly tell anything about our relationship?”

“I’ve known Trent for two years, and Logan and I have been to his club a lot. I’ve never seen him look at any woman the way he looks at you.”

Afraid of how much she wanted to believe Scarlett, Savannah gave a little laugh but decided not to argue. It didn’t really matter how Trent looked at her. Two years ago, he hadn’t wanted a future with her. In the meantime, she’d married his brother and given birth to Dylan. Trent might desire her—and that’s probably what Scarlett was picking up on—but he most certainly was not going to give up his lifestyle and ask her to marry him.

And since that’s what she wanted, wasn’t she a fool to let herself get caught up in him once more? She needed to move out. That meant she had to stop burying her head in the sand, get a job and a place for her and Dylan to live.

“I’m really glad I met you,” Savannah said. “I need to get back to work, and I’m thinking the sooner the better.”

“I’m heading to LA in a couple of days. If you’d like to come along, I’d be happy to introduce you to some friends who could get you started on the right path.”

Maybe by the time she got herself reestablished in LA the situation with Siggy would be less stressful. And if not, a new source of income meant she could afford to fight him and keep her son safe.

Savannah smiled at Scarlett in appreciation. “That would be terrific.”

* * *

Trent glanced over his shoulder and saw the two women engrossed in their conversation. “You were right,” he told Logan, delighting at the rare smile curving Savannah’s beautiful lips. “Savannah looks a lot more relaxed.”

“My wife is like that. She has a knack for making people feel better. And if Savannah wants to go back to acting, Scarlett can help her out. She has some great contacts in Hollywood.”

That made Trent frown. He hadn’t considered that Savannah might return to LA so soon. It had only been a week since Siggy had pulled his stunt, and there was no reason to think he wouldn’t try something equally despicable if Savannah and Dylan returned to LA.

His concern grew over dinner as Scarlett and Savannah chatted about the industry. It was apparent that his sister-in-law intended to return to work.

The two couples lingered over the meal and then moved outside for dessert. Trent hadn’t done a lot of this sort of entertaining. A low-key evening with another couple was a nice change from the sort of parties he usually threw here. Between the game room in the upstairs loft that overlooked the living room and the big backyard with the pool, slide and outdoor movie screen, he usually hosted groups that liked to dance, drink and get a little crazy.

Savannah had taken a couple minutes as everyone moved outside to go check on her son. She came back with the baby monitor and explained she’d sent Rhoda home. The conversation between the women changed then to talk of babies and future plans for children.

Scarlett patted her husband’s knee and shot him a sly smile. “We’ve decided to put off having children for at least another year. He’s not happy about it, but I don’t think my husband has any idea how demanding I’m going to get when I’m pregnant.”

“It can’t possibly be any worse than you are right now.” Logan’s words didn’t match the tenderness in his eyes as he

gazed at his gorgeous wife.

“Then you’re in for a rude awakening. Violet was the sweetest thing until she got pregnant with Rowan. Poor JT was beside himself.” Scarlett rolled her eyes in dramatic fashion.

“Beside himself with joy, maybe.” Trent recalled JT being nothing but thrilled in the months leading up to becoming a father. He laughed at the sharp look Scarlett shot at him. “And Logan will be no different.”

“You’re not helping,” Scarlett said, turning to Savannah. “I suppose you’re going to side with them, too.”

“I used to want a big family,” Savannah said, not letting her gaze stray anywhere near Trent. “But now that I have Dylan, I’m content.”

Trent felt an awkward whump in his chest. If he hadn’t known better, he would’ve thought it was his heart breaking. Savannah was trying hard to spin her situation into something positive, but Trent had known her a long time and didn’t believe for one minute that she would give up on her dreams unless they’d been crushed by disappointment.

“Melody and I are your family, too,” he reminded her.

“I haven’t forgotten. Which is why I’ve decided not to move to Tennessee.”
