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“He is going to be thrilled,” Savannah assured her, trusting that truth. “He loves you.”

“Sometimes love isn’t enough.” Melody stared at her hands.

Savannah’s voice rang with conviction. “And sometimes it’s all you need.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the appearance of Trent and Dylan, with Murphy trotting along beside them. As always when Savannah saw father and son together, her heart gave a big bump.

“How’d his swimming lesson go?” she asked, holding her arms out for Dylan’s towel-wrapped body.

Trent showed no inclination to give up Dylan. “He’s already learned how to hold his breath when he goes underwater.” He leaned forward to kiss Melody on the cheek. “It’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you, too.” She looked a little startled by her brother’s sunny demeanor and shot a sidelong glance in Savannah’s direction. “I hope it’s okay if I crash here for a couple weeks while I finish my album. Unless it’s too crowded?”

“I have plenty of room. When is Kyle coming? I’ll make a couple tee times to get him out of your hair.”

“He’s not going to come this trip.” Melody made a stab at looking undisturbed, but couldn’t quite pull it off.

Her brother frowned. “Why not?”

Savannah decided it might be easier for Melody to have this conversation with her brother if they were alone. “I’m going to change Dylan.”

With Trent focused on his sister, Savannah had an easy time making her escape. She dressed her son in dry clothes and wondered what Trent would make of his sister’s situation. He had demonstrated the same sort of protectiveness with Savannah as he had with Melody. Especially when it came to her relationship with his best friend.

While he and Kyle had always been the best of friends, Trent hadn’t been wild about Melody dating him. But since she was a strong-minded woman in her twenties, with a successful career and clear idea of whom she was getting involved with, Trent’s warnings had been unwelcome.

To distract herself from what was going on in the main house, Savannah took stock of her limited wardrobe and began planning for the upcoming interviews in LA. She was still o

perating with the same suitcase of clothes she’d brought to Las Vegas the first time. While preparing to sell the house, she’d packed up the bulk of her wardrobe and put it in storage with the idea that she would sort through it as soon as she’d gotten settled.

Dylan’s swim had taken the edge off his energy, and he was content to sit on the floor in her closet and play with his musical bear. By pushing on the bear’s right paw, he was able to scroll through the playlist until he found his favorite song. Then he waved his hands and sang along in his cute baby way while Murphy barked and growled at the noisy toy.

“Why am I not surprised that he’s musical.” Trent’s voice came from the doorway. “I hope you don’t mind that I let myself in.”

“I don’t mind. This is your house. And that’s why I’ve been thinking that maybe Dylan and I should move out.”

“Move out? Why?”

“Melody needs the peace and quiet of the guesthouse in order to finish her album.”

“Where are you thinking about going?”

“I thought something nearby.” She paused. “Or LA.”

Trent’s eyebrows crashed together. “Have you forgotten the reason you moved in here in the first place?”

“I haven’t forgotten.”

Trent thought she’d come to Las Vegas to keep Dylan safe, but that wasn’t the only reason. She’d foolishly hoped that once Trent spent time with her and Dylan that he’d miraculously decide that being a family with them was all he wanted.

“But things are different now,” she continued. “And depending on how my auditions go in the next couple days, I might need to be closer to make the most of the opportunities.”

“That’s not the tune you were singing two days ago, and don’t give me the excuse about Melody. You knew she was coming. Why the sudden change of heart?”

Savannah couldn’t explain the real reason to him: the awkwardness of living in his guesthouse and wanting to be more than just a convenient fling. Falling in love with him all over again wasn’t good for either of them. For a second, Savannah’s chest became tight and her lungs refused to work. She searched for calm.

It was good for Dylan that she and Trent were getting along, but keeping things friendly and uncomplicated would be best. In addition, she needed to stop relying on Trent to save her and stand on her own two feet.

“I guess it comes down to not having a plan and not having much in the way of options because of my financial situation. What Siggy did spooked me. I reacted before thinking everything through.”
