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“I understand she’s been staying with you in Las Vegas.”

“Siggy threatened her, saying he was going to fight for custody of Dylan. I offered her my guesthouse until things could be sorted out.”

“Why would Siggy try to take away Dylan?”

“He lost Rafe and saw Dylan as his replacement.”

“And he wanted control over the shares of the company that Rafe left his son.”

“And he didn’t want to pay for them. Rafe left Savannah a lot of debt, and she was trying to sell the label’s shares back to Siggy so she could get out from under it.”

His mother rolled her eyes. “Tell me you haven’t left her to deal with Siggy alone.”

“Everything has been sorted out. Another record company offered to buy West Coast Records, so Siggy bought Rafe’s shares back and Savannah should be able to pay off her debts. She’s moved back to LA and has taken a part in a movie.”

Trent decided this was the perfect opportunity to tell his mother about Dylan being his son, but as he opened his mouth, they were approached by an obviously frazzled man. After his mother introduced her assistant director, they headed off. Trent chose a seat in the dim theater and watched his mother work, enjoying the competent way she directed the actors. It was obvious she had a vision in her head regarding the changes, but it took her an hour and twenty minutes to achieve the results. At long last she clapped her hands and sent everyone on their way.

Collecting her coat and purse, Naomi came up the center aisle toward Trent. “Shall we go to La Masseria for lunch?”

Located in the theater district, the Italian restaurant was one of her favorites. During one of his m

any trips to visit Savannah, they’d met his mother and her current husband there before a Broadway show. The entire evening had been a great success. His mother had talked about Savannah for months afterward, prodding him about his future plans. Trent had given her noncommittal replies, and as time went on she’d stopped asking questions.

After they were seated, Trent gave the menu a quick glance. He wasn’t really hungry. Being in this restaurant brought up happy memories of his time with Savannah, of his mother’s hopes for his future and the satisfaction she’d found with a man who supported and loved her.

“Earlier I mentioned that Siggy threatened to seek custody of Dylan, but what I didn’t say is that he gave up after discovering that he isn’t Rafe’s son.”

“It sounds just like Siggy.” His mother waved to someone, apparently unconcerned at the bombshell regarding her grandson’s legitimacy. “He’s obsessed with his legacy.”

“Doesn’t it bother you about Dylan?”

Naomi met her son’s gaze. “Why should it? I love Dylan. Whether or not he’s Rafe’s biological child doesn’t change the fact that he’s my grandson.” She studied Trent for a long moment. “Does it bother you?”

“It bothers me that Savannah lied.”

Why had he thought his mother would be outraged that Savannah had lied, too? Melody hadn’t been bothered. Rafe had created the situation in the first place. At this point, the only other member of his family who seemed at all upset was Siggy.

“I don’t see why. As you said earlier, you had your chance with her and things didn’t work out. It seems as if this is her business and Rafe’s. He married her, after all.” His mother turned her attention to the waiter who’d approached the table, leaving Trent to stew over her matter-of-fact assessment.

As soon as they’d placed a drink order, Trent spoke again. “It bothers me because Dylan is my son.”

“I see.” His mother had been perusing a menu she no doubt knew by heart. Now she set it down and gave him her full attention. “Can I assume since you haven’t mentioned this before that you just found out?”

“Savannah told me a few days ago.”

Naomi laced her fingers together and set her clasped hands on the table. “Does this change things between you?”

“By change things, do you mean am I going to marry her?” Trent heard his aggrieved tone and saw his mother’s eyebrows lift.

“You love her, don’t you?”

For some reason the question threw salt on his already raw wounds. “She and I were together a long time. I didn’t want to end things, but I couldn’t give her the normal family life she craved.”

“So marriage is off the table. Do you intend to have a relationship with your son? Or are you going to be like your father?”

If she had stood up and shrieked at him, he would’ve been less shocked. That she would place him in the same category as his father in anything cut deep. Trent slammed the door on his emotions. Ice filled his veins.

“I haven’t decided what I’m going to do.”
