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Gabriel didn’t look at all surprised or insulted by her refusal. “You don’t know that until you open it.”

More of his mistress’s leftovers? Olivia heaved a sigh. “You really don’t need to give me anything.”

“I need to explain about the bracelet.”

She did not want to hear about the wretched thing ever again. “There’s nothing to explain. It was beautiful. It was rude of me not to accept something you put so much thought into.”

Gabriel leaned back in his chair, his expression a mask. But his eyes glittered like sunlight on water. “I’m not certain whether to be appalled or delighted that you are such a skillful diplomat.”

She kept her lashes down and her lips relaxed. All her life she’d been watched for any sign of reaction or weakness. She’d mastered her facial muscles well before her fourteenth birthday. And she’d needed to. Her stepmother had enjoyed poking her with emotional sticks. Any reaction was sure to displease Lord Darcy, who wanted nothing more than for his two girls to get on. He was fond of reminding the women that he loved them both. And wished with all his heart that they would get along.

“You are marrying me because of my diplomacy and public image.”

“In part.” Gabriel turned over her hand and set the box on her palm. “I’m also marrying you because of your impeccable breeding and the fact that ever since the day I met you, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

Stunned by his admission, she stared at Gabriel’s gift, knowing no expensive bauble could compare to the gift of knowing he was smitten with her. “That’s lovely of you to say.”

“Now back to the bracelet. Do you know where it came from?”

His question confused her. “From you.”

He shook his head. “This is what I selected for you.”

“Then where did the bracelet come from?”

“That’s what I’d like to know.”

Relief swept through her. “Then you didn’t give me Marissa’s bracelet.”

“No.” He gave her a stern look. “And I’m a little bothered by the fact that you think I’d be so cruel.”

Olivia opened her mouth but had no ready response. Since dancing with him at the Independence Day gala she’d become foolish and irrational where he was concerned. With her hormones overstimulated and her emotions swinging from one extreme to the other, she shouldn’t be surprised her brain was producing nothing but gibberish.

“Someone in the palace with access to my room played a cruel joke on me.”

“Whoever it is, I don’t think they are playing. This is a very serious breach in security. One that I will address.” The determination in his voice matched the steel in his expression. After a second his gaze softened. “Please open my gift.”

Olivia did as she was told.

Unlike the previous evening’s trendy, emerald bracelet, this necklace was exactly something she would have chosen for herself. Olivia touched her fingertip to the large teardrop-shaped aquamarine, set into a frame of diamond-lined branches and suspended from a chain of faceted aquamarine beads and diamond-encrusted platinum balls. Gabriel had picked out the perfect, unique gift.

“The necklace belonged to my great-aunt Ginnie. Her husband gave it to her as an engagement present. I believe it came from his mother who received it as her engagement present.”

“I love it.” And she did. More than any million-dollar diamond necklace he could have found in the treasury. It represented tradition and love. And it demonstrated a sentimental side she would never have guessed Gabriel possessed. Feeling bold, she picked up the necklace and sat down on her fiancé’s lap. “Can you help me put it on?”

She lifted her hair off her neck and held still while his knuckles brushed her nape. The casual touch sent shivers spiraling along her nerve endings. As the drop settled against her skin, she turned and planted a sweet kiss on Gabriel’s cheek.

“Is that the best you can do?” he questioned, laughter in his voice.

Veiling her eyes with her lashes, she peered at him. “If I do much better we run the risk of not leaving this room in time to take Bethany and Karina for their first ride.”

His response was to capture her lips in a sizzling kiss. Olivia sagged against him, surrendering to the firestorm of desire that had not burned out even after last night’s lovemaking. She groaned beneath his lips as his hand found her breast, thumb coaxing her nipple to a hard point.

With a low growl, he broke off the kiss. “Perhaps you were right to be cautious.” And with that, he stood with her in his arms and carried her to the bed.

* * *

In the end, they were in time to watch the twins circle the ring on the docile, well-mannered ponies, each led by an attentive groom. Although both were equally delighted by the ride, their individual personalities shone through. Bethany chattered incessantly as she rode, her every thought voiced. Karina was more circumspect and her seat was more natural. Of the two, Gabriel suspected she’d be the better rider.
