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Christian’s eyes narrowed. “And if you didn’t have to?”

“Since that’s never been an option, I’ve never really thought about it.”

And he didn’t want to think about it now because it opened old wounds. Would he have stayed with Marissa if marriage to her had been possible? Had he loved her or had he inflated his feelings for her because circumstances made it impossible for them to have a future?

“Well, I certainly stirred you up,” Christian taunted.

“Wasn’t that your intention?” Gabriel countered, staring past the hedge that bordered the driveway to the palace. For a moment he glimpsed a pair of ponies and the two little girls riding them. Despite his tumultuous thoughts, he couldn’t help but feel joy at the appearance of his daughters and feel sorry for Christian. His cynical attitude would undoubtedly prevent him from experiencing the wonder of holding his own children in his arms and feeling their enthusiastic kisses all over his cheek.

“God,” Christian exclaimed, “you are smitten.”

“I caught a glimpse of my angels out riding.”

Christian snorted. “They’re not exactly angels. In fact, they’ve been turning the palace upside down with their version of hide-and-seek, which entails them finding some tiny nook and not coming out until every servant is called upon to look for them. It’s been worse these last few days with Olivia feeling unwell.”

Gabriel frowned. “What did you say ab

out Olivia? She’s ill?”

“Didn’t you know?”

“I spoke with her last night. She said nothing.” Gabriel rubbed at the back of his neck. “How bad is it?”

“I don’t know. She hasn’t been out of her suite for the last two days.”

“Has she been in bed that whole time?”

“I don’t know,” Christian sounded amused. “But if you’d hinted that you’d like me to check on your English flower in her bedroom, you should have said something.”

Gabriel didn’t even look at his brother as he exited the car and strode into the palace. Tension rode his shoulders as he entered the foyer, barely hearing the greetings from the staff on duty. Why hadn’t Olivia told him she wasn’t doing well? He took the stairs two at a time and turned in the direction of his fiancée’s suite. His knock was answered by a maid.

“I’m here to see Lady Darcy,” he told her, his scowl compelling the young woman to step back.

Three women occupied the room. Olivia sat on the couch with her feet up, her back to him while Ariana sat opposite her facing the door. Olivia’s private secretary was by the desk. His sister’s lilting laugh broke off as he entered.

“Good afternoon, ladies.” He forced himself to approach Ariana first. His sister looked splendid as always in an evening-blue dress. The color flattered her golden skin and dark brown hair. She wore a simple gold bangle at her wrist and gold hoop earrings.

“Welcome back, Gabriel,” she said, standing as he drew near and making her cheek available for a kiss.

“We missed you,” Olivia echoed, turning to gaze up at him. Her normally pale complexion lacked its customary healthy glow and there were shadows purpling the skin beneath her eyes.

Concern flared. He sat beside her on the sofa and touched her cheek with his fingertips. “Last night on the phone, why didn’t you tell me you’ve been ill?”

“It’s nothing.”

“You’re too pale. I demand to know what’s wrong.”

Olivia sighed and cast her gaze toward Ariana. Her eyes widened, causing Gabriel to turn his head. Ariana had vanished. The door to the bedroom was shut. They were alone.

Gabriel refocused on Olivia. “Answer me,” he growled.

Red patches appeared on her formerly dull cheeks. “I’ve been having a particularly difficult period,” she murmured.

Relief flooded him. She was embarrassed to discuss her body’s natural process? Was that why she’d kept silent the night before? Amused, Gabriel dipped a finger beneath her chin and raised it.

“I’m going to be your husband. You better prepare to discuss all sorts of things like this with me.”

“Be careful or you may live to regret those words,” she muttered, but her lips were soft and eager beneath his. “Welcome home.”
